Office Work.......

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I would Gold Feather you except I can't get past the sign-in part. They don't like my password or whatever. I've tried, because I have a credit at the BYC store. I wish I could just PM Terrie Lacy and ask her to do it, but I don't want to bother her.
If you get a golden feather membership, you can get Pants inserted under your name.

and then you'll be yeller like ol Buffers.

Buffers ain't yeller no more....
And you also have a very long memory. *note to self, do not irritate the Buffster*

I have only one niece whose "anything" I will ever attend, my sister's girl. DH's brothers kids are SOL...they were doomed before birth due to their parents. Or what passes for parents in their case.

Now who's the mean one?

Well, we can all aspire to be, but really, when you come right down to the facts, Nells got us all beat. Kinda like, who's more Catholic than the Pope?
If you get a golden feather membership, you can get Pants inserted under your name.

and then you'll be yeller like ol Buffers.

But I ain't yeller! I tried to re-up yesterday and couldn't get past the sign in.
Generally, me too. But now that Dacs is offline, I say that Lori gets the award for most creative discussion of a botanical item. Ever.

How about Georgia O'Keefe's photographs.
You can even laugh at the owner.

I think it made DH a little uncomfortable the first few times I grew them after we got married. It was hysterical how concerned he got that they fall over and the stalk would break when they got tall....

Flaccid plants.

Good thing I'm a biologist.
I'd tell you not to be so hard on yourself, but it would probably cause Buffy to blow a gasket....

That might be more interesting of a picture than the plant porn

See post regarding Georgia O'Keefe.
I am currently killing a formerly beautiful potted cyclamen. Talk about flaccid stems! Am thinking of bringing it to the office so I don't have to be reminded of my failure every time I'm in the living room. (PS: My other cyclamen is doing fine, thank you.)
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