Office Work.......

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Cute kid!

You can see her plotting to wrap you around her finger so she can come live with you after she terrorizes her parents for 15 years or so.
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So....not appropriate, right?????

Beaner's last name is like a cosmic joke. And she knows I say that in the most loving way.
So....not appropriate, right?????

Beaner's last name is like a cosmic joke. And she knows I say that in the most loving way.

We can all feel the love!

Are you there, too Orchy? Are we friends already?
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Bringing this afternoon's challenging topics into full circle: I remember wonking on my toddler neice after she knocked over a pot of just-blooming narcissus while at my parents house. I don't think I said anything to her, I think I just made a mental note to not attend her wedding in July 2010. The note worked - I didn't. (I'm so mean.)
Laughing my patootie off - Orchy!

Hey, the only way it could be funnier is if it was my last name. She knows this!

Yes, we see your sig line.
I hate blooming narcissus. My mother put like 2000 pots of it around her house and then wonders why my eyes weep and my nose drools when I visit her

Smart kid.

You are mean, Buffy. Cause you don't wuv me no more. And I didn't even sneeze on your narcissus.
And you also have a very long memory. *note to self, do not irritate the Buffster*

I have only one niece whose "anything" I will ever attend, my sister's girl. DH's brothers kids are SOL...they were doomed before birth due to their parents. Or what passes for parents in their case.

Now who's the mean one?
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