Office Work.......

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OMG, 8 advil down and I think I might die. If pain doesn't improve by lunchtime I will take a darvocet. AND THEN DIE. URGH.

Lunch is the nice new chinese buffet. Delicious to the max.......boyfriend is mid-drive down from Ohio and meeting for lunch. I envision both of us eating everything in sight in about a half hour.

Unless my mouth falls off.
Nella, I think you are about maxed out on ibuprofen. Yikes. Stop now! Have some caffeine, maybe that will help.

Lori, your day doth sucketh mightily. I think you should go home sick and let whoever was responsible for backing up the database figure out the mess they made. You poor thing.

Anyone else need a hug?
Happy Plant has been blooming its brains out for 4 months and is taking a well-deserved rest.
Dead Plant had 50 gorgeous blooms on it last week. They are currently residing in compostland. I brought Dead Plant to work with me today and I'm going to leave it here.
On declawing cats, I am a cold cruelhearted person when I say that indoor cats need claws as much as a guy with five kids needs his beans.

My two kitties were declawed at a very young age and there has never been a contentious exchange between us - no swatting, no squirting with water, no yelling, no ruined furniture. As a consquence, they are giant blobs of love and tolerance. We can touch and poke and tug them anywhere on their bodies without complaint - they trust us completely. No "issues". I say, rip 'em out young!*

* That also applies to human beans too, in my humble opinion!
Okay, now that I've done my part to offer a solution to unhappy cat/human relationships and human overpopulation, may I take this opportunity to rant about every cotton-picking stupid thing being on YouTube, but you can't find a good video of John Stainer's Sevenfold Amen!

[I'm hungry and grouchy, can you tell?]
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That's my dog. I used to work for a vet years ago and I think they overcharge and were overly pushy and judgemental, so I rarely take my animals to the vet. If they're sick, of course I'd take them, but I buy vaccines at the feedstore and get a rabies done at the vet when needed. I've never had a dental done on any of my animals.

My cats are not declawed. When they were kittens and would claw the furniture, I'd make a hissing sound at them and throw a stuffed animal at them to make them stop. Now (even 9 years later) when they hear that hissing sound, they stop whatever they were doing and run. My furniture was saved from the cats only to be destroyed by kids. *sigh*

Oddly enough, as of this morning, both my cats are missing. They're indoor cats and rarely show any interest in wandering around outside and all our outside doors have screen doors that close behind you, so I don't see how they could've both left the house.
I hope they turn up.
When I kept them, I kept New Zealand Whites. They're huge, so too big for the kids to play with. They were not very friendly, even as babies, they'd stuggle to get away from you, so easy to not get attached to. As a bonus, they all looked alike, so somewhat anonymous.

I kept Holland Lops for pets, still have 10 breeders. Teeny little 3 and 4# bunnies that are very friendly and sweet with cute little floppy ears and big personalities. The kids love them. So the kids were okay with eating the NZW because I promised not to eat the HL.
My DH still has his beans, but they have been disconnected and are no longer in service. I LOVE IT. (I should probably blush here, but I'm not going to!)

Buffy, the reason I can't keep cyclamen alive is because my house is too warm. Was that one in a warmer spot than the beautiful healthy one? We put in a steam humidifier on our forced air system last winter and my plants are overall SO much happier...I may try a cyclamen again if I can find a cool enough spot to put it.
Belle, I hope your kitties turn up! I am a huge worrywart if anyone furry seems to be missing.

Wanna send me a couple of your lops?
I suppose the PO doesn't ship rabbits.

Regarding keeping two different breeds, that's what I was kind of thinking. One anonymous breed for eating and one super lovable one for pets. Wonder if I could handle that...?
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