Office Work.......

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Sunday 4:50 PM

Nells! So cool that you did it! I was doing girly ones myself a few minutes ago to keep up the momentum on the challenge! They are the step toward the strict ones. Don't underestimate girly pushups!

No, you are NOT out of shape!

PS: I was thinking today how, when you were a little tiny fertilized egg in the Name Line, you must have gotten peeved and pushed a cute little angelic kid out of the way and got the name she was supposed to get... Now that poor little girl is named Broomhilda Slappenpants. Not a good name for a prima ballerina...
Lori, thank you so much for posting those pics of the Ohio show. I've never ever been to a poultry show and am so oogle-eyed at what it looks like. Also I adore the pic of you and your daughter and Ladyhawks daughter. [...feeling the love...] I so wished I lived in proximity to you guys so we could meet up at things like this.

Again, thank you for posting pics of a great event, and of you!
A few pics from today's jog for fans of gory nature photos (non-chicken related):

Today's jog - approaching known site of deceased Ocean Sunfish - note Turkey Vultures on top:'

Turkey vultures aflight as I approached:

Ocean Sunfish with my foot in the photo to give scale (lower jaw/beak eaten away - but yesterday it looked like a box turtle beak):
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When I left for the OH Nationals I had a goldneck with a ripped open chest, a cream hen acting like she was choking to death, and a project bird that had sneezed at me. Each were in solitary.

When I got home Saturday I did a quick check, and sneezy wasn't sneezing, cream was gurgling & her comb was blue, boo-boo was avoiding care. I told cream I'd be humane on Sunday, told boo-boo she was getting treatment, told sneezy I'd put her back with the others.

On Sunday, I worked in the agrage for 30 minutes and sneezy never sneezed. So I went to get her out of the cage, and she sneezed on my hand.
Her eyes are clear, she's eating liike a pig, and perky. I said, "Are you trying to mess with my head?" She sneezed again. So I left her in the cage and washed up.

When I went to cull cream hen, she was was breathing clear, her comb was red.
She gave me a smug stink eye.

Little boo-boo was unable to avoid care, but I don't think she's going to make it. She was very pale, and her would has opened up a couple of times and bled more. I doctored her up, forced some electrolite water into her, and told her I expected to come back and find her perky tomorrow. I don't really expect that though

This morning sneezy didn't sneeze at me at all when I put more food in the cage. I don't know what her deal is.
Cream still looks fine.
Couldn't reach boo-boo without making a mess on my work clothes.

Sticking the potential eggs in the bator was a wise choice, and DH wasn't too upset since I'd had so much turmoil in the chicken world lately. They were due to hatch 11/10, I put them in the bator 11/11.
But when one was peeping yesterday DH was considerably suprised! Until then, he didn't realize the hens had been setting on any eggs.

The chicks from my murdered prize-winner goldneck girl are considerably smaller than any other chicks. But one is quite feisty and trying to be in charge. There was one I thought was spraddle, but she seems to be moving around pretty well now. The third just hatched this morning and is a mystery.
The cream girl's chicks are larger, and there are more of them (5).
My big surprise was the goldneck over lavender, which resulted in BLUE chicks! They are definitely NOT lavender, too dark for that. Weird. Wish there were more than 2 of them...
I have one definite partridge silkie that is pure.
I have 2 d'Uccle over silkie due to a sneaky Tennessee. Both are definitely spraddle though. Isn't that weird? I don't fix spraddle, I cull. But I'm waiting to do it this afternoon, to give everyone a chance to rest up and get their legs under them if they can.

With all my weird birds, plus a new pair in quarantine, I don't have enough room for broodies. So today I will make a concentrated effort to break them all of it. I'm also going to worm them all with some meds I got at the O.N. I expect to get a LOT of stink eye today....
I woke up with a 3 point migraine this morning. Above my left eye, the back of the left side of my head, and the base of the left side of my jaw. I am not a fan of today, either.

Now I'm mildly medicated, still feel the pressure spots, and trying to figure out how to do my billing on a damaged database.

Beaner, I think I feel your pain. Except for the new boss part....

I have the same old boss, who keeps throwing more papers on my desk.
well, I have an appt at a new dentist at 3:30 today. We'll see how that goes..........

Lori, you have way too much chicken drama going on! And no worries about the broodies....they're all at my house, LOL. I ended up with 15 of 16 eggs hatching under 2 of the broodies this weekend. 1 chick fell out of the nest and died (or died and momma kicked it out of the nest, hmmmm). So 14 live chicks. 9 under my big RIR/Cochin hen and 5 under one of my silkie hens. They all seem to be doing well and are SUPER cute. I have yellow ones, black ones, blue ones, splash and some cute chipmunky ones. Very nice little assortment. all are feather legged cochin mixes, hatched out of NICE olive eggs.

I am ready for some Advil this morning. On a sales call currently but muted so I can type type type away.
I know! The chicken drama is seriously making me crazy.
I was venting to DH about it, and he said, "Honey, it's cold and wet out there. They're living things. If they are huddled up it might be because they're damp and chilly, not dying!! RELAX!!" He thinks I'm over-analyzing due to one sneezy girl, who looks perfectly healthy to him...

And LadyHawk posted that one of the chicks I delivered for Cheyenne has a watery eye, so I'm panicking long distance, too. I took healthy birds. My head knows this, but my heart is having spasms over a single teary eye.

I see death and destruction everywhere. It's going to be a long winter....
Now Now stay calm...I think the goofball banged her eye on the crate...probably trying to avoid a scarey duck or something. There were some sneezes when I put them in the crate but that was due to them trying to snorkel in the water right off the bat.

I cleaned little one's eye last night and will check her again in a bit...I think she will be fine panicking.
They are in quarantine with the ducks whom cannot catch anything from the little girl anyway if it turns out to be something. I will watch her...and all will be well.
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