Office Work.......

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Aw, Buffy is showing her true colors. What a brilliant gift!
That was so nice!

dacs, I think if you are a) environmentally minded and/or b) going to live in your house a long time and/or c) in an area where either a pump and dump or slinky system will work well for you, thereby keeping the costs down, a geothermal heating and cooling system is THE way to go.
Huh? Now it looks like I need to do some research to find out what you are talking about.

Do you recommend any brand over another?

Got it. Closed loop is the way for me. I have lots of room so a slinky system or the more traditional horizontal will work. Looks like the slinky is less expensive as far as excavation costs go.
Huh? Now it looks like I need to do some research to find out what you are talking about.

Do you recommend any brand over another?

I really like the Hydroheat brand; that's what we install. If you find out what's available in your area I can give you some yeas or nays!

Closed loop:
One of the cats came home last night.

We left the downstairs door open all evening. I went to bed, but Bill stayed up to man the cat-watch. Around midnight he woke me up to tell me Rascal came home.
He walked downstairs and Rascal was in the house eating cat food, so he closed the basement door. He said he'd stay up for a while yet to watch for Nittany, so he lit a fire in the woodstove which gave him a reason to be going in and out of the basement door a lot getting wood so he could watch for her. No sign of her, yet.

Ella was so upset last night when the cats hadn't turned up by her bedtime. She was SO excited this morning when she got up and saw Rascal. She had to wake us up at 6:30am to tell us the cat was back. Of the two cats, Rascal was my favorite, so I'm so glad he's back. I'm still hoping Nittany comes home, too.

Thanks for the support, everyone!
Hi guys! Belle, thanks so much for posting pics of MiniBelle with the presents and for your wonderful PM. I'm still smiling.

But I have to admit that I got the baby stuff as a gift basket at our church's holiday fair. There aren't any "normal" stores around here where you can get baby stuff, so when I saw the gift basket, I felt like God put it there for you. The basket itself was too big to box up, so I wrapped the stuff individually and added the cookie bars and soap later.

I'm still smiling... thanks so much for making my day.
And yay that your fave cat came home! Hoping Nittany shows up too.

Dacs, on my run today, I came across a washed up deceased Ocean Sunfish. They're built very vertically and they often get trapped in too-shallow water conditions in Chipman Cove when the tide goes out. I didn't have my camera with though. You would have liked it, very gory from gull predation. Nice call on the bunny femur which Boyd agreed with.

I miss you guys!
Alright kids, I broke down and tried pushups today. I can't do any "normal ones". SIGH. I did 7 girly ones before one of my dogs came over and stood on one hand and started licking my head. THANKS TOBY. phew.

I am so out of shape. *wheeze*
Walking into the OH Nationals was amazing!!
We got there early, as birds were being checked in. Some were still getting their beauty treatments. Combs were rubbed with vaseline and polished up, some birds were being blown dry, some were being smoothed and soothed and massaged.

We stood on the balcony, overlooking 44 rows of cages stacked double high. 44 rows!


It was amazing, and I was very glad to be there!!

Cetawin had trusted us with her darling daughter, and we took a moment to get a picture of me, my daughter, and Cetawin's daughter:


Some of the BYC people at the OH Nationals:

Some of the BYC-ers, plus Neil Grassbaugh (wearing th tie):

There were a lot of birds for sale, as well as poultry supplies. It was nice getting some items that aren't easy to find in our area. It was great seeing all the sale birds!! Between show birds and sale birds we're guessing there were at least 10,000 birds at the OH Nationals.


I was doing great at resisting bird purchases. There were a lot of pretty birds, but I already am at max capacity. And most of them made me think a smug 'I like my birds better' until I saw these:

A pair of white d'Uccles. The cockeral is gorgeous, and held himself like a champion. The pullet doesn't have as nice foot feathers, but she's a little doll. I love it that he is very well-mannered towards her, too.


So, the whole trip was wonderful, and I would go again in a heartbeat.
But, the hot shower after a day spent indoors with 10,000 birds was a wonderful experience as well
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