Ended Official BYC Winter Contest Series—Winter on the Farm Photo Contest

There doesn't need to be snow to participate! Even the 2021 BYC Calendar image for January doesn't have snow but it looks cold because the bark of the trees are pale and there's no leaves on them. There are definitely other ways to show that it's chilly out! We have a bunch of brown grass here too, lol, no snow.
I agree! Living where I do, winter actually means green grass lol. Snow, ice, frost, or bare branches, all of those make me think "winter".
I agree! Living where I do, winter actually means green grass lol. Snow, ice, frost, or bare branches, all of those make me think "winter".
Green grass sounds wonderful compared to everything white for months. It hurts my eyes on sunny days.
Not an entry:
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Entry #1

We had a huge snow storm a mont ago here in New York City. It was my babies first snow and they didn’t like. I had to make a path for them to walk because they really didn’t want to step on the snow. It was also challenging as their water was all frozen and covered in snow, and the dust bath was all
Covered as well (they started bathing in the poop board that has sweet PDZ 😭). So now I’m prepared and have a system ready in case it snows again. I have a big plastic container with soil in the basement ready to take out if needed to serve as dust bath.
Entry #1

Going from left to right: Rocky, Aundria, Princess, Maisy, Jewels, and Penny.
View attachment 2481596
Entry #1
View attachment 2483294
We had a huge snow storm a mont ago here in New York City. It was my babies first snow and they didn’t like. I had to make a path for them to walk because they really didn’t want to step on the snow. It was also challenging as their water was all frozen and covered in snow, and the dust bath was all
Covered as well (they started bathing in the poop board that has sweet PDZ 😭). So now I’m prepared and have a system ready in case it snows again. I have a big plastic container with soil in the basement ready to take out if needed to serve as dust bath.
Beautiful Picture!!

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