Oh no, I put benzocaine on brand new baby?!?!

... so, back to the original... how are her feet?
Sometimes you have to do the best that you know how to do with the knowledge you have. There isn't always time in an emergency to research the right course of action. If you've done the best that you know how, then you can't beat yourself up if you lose a bird. The circle of life, and all that, even if it is sad. You can't let yourself feel guilty or suffer over it.

You were trying to help, and took what seems like a reasonable course of action to stop bleeding. Stopping bleeding can be an immediate life saving action, depending on the amount of blood. To me, stopping bleeding in a new hatchling sounds more urgent than worrying about the benzocaine. However, now that you know, of course, you'll want to get the right meds to have on hand in your first aid kit.

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