ok I knew my sister in-law is not too intelligent but this is to funny

Well at least her two daughters turned out ok. My Father in Law said he should have stopped after the first two, my wife was number two, because three four and five well let's just say they missed the handout on intelligence and common sense.... His quote not mine....
Ok think this got miss interpreted somehow. The quote on the tv thing was funny....

Even she relized after she said it...and laughed louder then me...

and on the above quote on intelligence....the three agree with there dad.... It's a family inside joke.....We are a close family my side and my wifes and we joke all the time.....I lost out on Height Im 5 feet 5 and my family is all pushing 6 feet or more.... So I get the short jokes...
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I am short too - but I am female so I get away with it more, except with my 6'1 fiance. He is always making fun of me - purposely putting spices and stuff on the top shelf so I need a chair to get it down.
i wonder how many people are looking at each other after reading this,, saying,,, " see pop,, i knew we stood round that t.v. for 3 days while our furnace was out,, and bout froze to death, for no reason,, everyone is having problems with them",, " i KNEW it wasnt giving off much heat"

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