***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Jim or anyone else for that matter I have some Black rosecombs that will need a new home very soon, I really have all the blacks I want and still hatched some go figure.. who has a kid or two that wants to show this fall?
Just went the pen and noticed that my LF Lemon Blue Roo was acting a little calm and was holding his mouth open and acting as if he was breathing a little hard at times and he did sneeze a couple of times. His comb is also a purplish color instead of red. what do I need to be looking for or treating him for? If it is urgent call me at 405 206 4541.

Watch it there Jim, that day is coming soon for me.. Another 1000 + rosecombs over the next few weeks. So i decided I will hatch at least another 900 of my own. So I will turn the bator off after 1900 more this year, not counting anything I might hatch for others. Bad part is that will all be in less that 8 weeks.

awww carl, if you turn it off it might not restart!
Jim or anyone else for that matter I have some Black rosecombs that will need a new home very soon, I really have all the blacks I want and still hatched some go figure.. who has a kid or two that wants to show this fall?
if i can figure out a way to get em i can use a couple or three pairs.
Just went the pen and noticed that my LF Lemon Blue Roo was acting a little calm and was holding his mouth open and acting as if he was breathing a little hard at times and he did sneeze a couple of times. His comb is also a purplish color instead of red. what do I need to be looking for or treating him for? If it is urgent call me at 405 206 4541.
When their air sacs get infected it's like bronchitis in people. It'll cause their comb to turn purple-ish because their not getting enough oxygen through their blood and into their organs. That would potentially explain the breathing problems also. For anything respiratory I use Tylan 50 1st, it's stronger than Duramycin. For LF sized birds the dose is supposedly 1/2 cc in *their left breast muscle once a day for 6 days. Although what I've done it give a big bird like that 3/4 cc for the 1st few days then drop it down to 1/2 cc for the remainder. For respiratory stuff and raspy breathing I've had good luck with it. If you're hinky about giving it in his chest muscle you can give it in alternating leg muscles.
It sounds there have been quite a few losses over the past few days. Sorry to hear about that.

Mitzi - I'm so glad you pullet is doing OK now and didn't need the surgery afterall.

Carl - if things weren't so hectic for me right now I'd consider buying some of your Rosecombs for my granddaughter in Missouri to show there. Maybe later in the year, or in the fall that will work out. I love those birds. Almost bought a pair that was at the Shawnee show but restraint kicked in. Don't know where that came from...

I'm thinking about getting some guineas for tick and guard patrol but have some questions for those who have them. Can they stay in same coop and pen with the chickens or should they have their own space? Or free range? Do they eat chicken feed? I will do some research, but want to get ideas from you all, too.
Just went the pen and noticed that my LF Lemon Blue Roo was acting a little calm and was holding his mouth open and acting as if he was breathing a little hard at times and he did sneeze a couple of times. His comb is also a purplish color instead of red. what do I need to be looking for or treating him for? If it is urgent call me at 405 206 4541.

I did forget to mention that the County graded the road yesterday and since there has been no wind the dust is kinda hanging over our house and pen.
When their air sacs get infected it's like bronchitis in people. It'll cause their comb to turn purple-ish because their not getting enough oxygen through their blood and into their organs. That would potentially explain the breathing problems also. For anything respiratory I use Tylan 50 1st, it's stronger than Duramycin. For LF sized birds the dose is supposedly 1/2 cc in *their left breast muscle once a day for 6 days. Although what I've done it give a big bird like that 3/4 cc for the 1st few days then drop it down to 1/2 cc for the remainder. For respiratory stuff and raspy breathing I've had good luck with it. If you're hinky about giving it in his chest muscle you can give it in alternating leg muscles.
thanks and were do I get this Tylan 50?
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I'm thinking about getting some guineas for tick and guard patrol but have some questions for those who have them. Can they stay in same coop and pen with the chickens or should they have their own space? Or free range? Do they eat chicken feed? I will do some research, but want to get ideas from you all, too.

My guineas pick on everybody. If you have a small pen I wouldn't put guineas in with them. I free range everyone and the guineas chase chickens and turkeys. The ducks hold their own with them.... go figure. They're better off with game feed, but they really don't eat that much they are good foragers and for the best tick protection your probably better off free ranging. If you want some I think I'm going to sell some of mine that are about a month old. I got 18 thinking some would die, but they all lived, I don't need that many. I added 9 to the barn tonight. We'll see how they mesh, they were getting too big for the small coop. If they don't all disapear I'll be selling the other 9. birdwalkfarm's husband told me they need to be held up in a coop for a few weeks so they don't try to return home, if you decide to get big ones.

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