***OKIES in the BYC III ***

That's not good! Glad it wasn't me calling! DH has a nasty cold so he is up & that woke me up, had all my coffee & checked the birds.
Congratulations, Kassaundra! :)

Nice and freezing outside this morning.

Hello Sooner & Steph :)

I've had a coyote visitor over the past week. My dog, bless her heart, does her best, but I don't think the big white barking dog is intimidating enough. The 'yote showed up around noon one day, came back same day a few minutes later. After I walked out, it stayed away, but it came back a day or so later. That time at night. I think it's testing to see how watchful my dog is. She's been rilled up since, on super alert.
Time to draw a beed on that yote! I haven't been hearing them lately here but the time is almost here for them to start having litters & I will have to worry then. I had a really bold one last year.

Coffee is alway the first thing Steph! Now it's time for a shower!
I dont really have to worry about critters around here. If we start hearing them, and coyotes we thick last year, I just lock the dogs outside for the night. It usually takes a few weeks before we hear anything again.
Does anyone know about the chicken auction in Coweta this afternoon

Here is the information that was recently added to the Oklahoma auction/swap thread. It has a phone number, so perhaps calling might get you some more information.

Coweta, OK
Wagoner County Fairgrounds
Poultry Auction (only poultry, rabbits, and their related items)
Starting Feb 17th
Consigning starts at noon.
Contact Robert at 918-575-0015 or Jon at 918-575-0745
Had a LONG conference about plasticulture yesterday-- most gardening conferences or classes I go to I feel like I walk away with something -- I barely scribbled a few lines of notes-- and the only notes I walked away with I could have gotten from a phone call to the ext agency. I did win a small fern-- at least I think it is a fern, no label or smell to it. After the conference I headed to Blanchard alone some I was already in OKC. Came in from the sale pealed DH from the couch-- got him to take off his work boots & He was back asleep, I am not even sure if he finished working on the generator last night--- nothing like a chance of winter weather to push the hubby to finish a project.
I bought some heritage RIR chicks--- I already own a few heritage & they are so much nicer looking than the production, the price was right so I snatched up the chicks. hopefully this time next yr I will only have heritage RIR --- but I won't get rid of the production RIR if the heritage lay poorly. My other heritage RIR give me 5-6 eggs each a wk-- hope these will be as pretty & lay as well. I bought an library card catalog box, it is HEAVY!!!! I plan to put seeds in it, since it is such a pretty box. tomorrow when we unload it i know i am going to get an ear full about buying something so heavy. Also bought a nice cage for taking chicks to the sale. DD hasn't seen it yet, but I am sure she will love it.
I thought the silkie cage said Roos on the cage-- but maybe people didn't pay attention. I was surprised that bought so much especially so close to the end. Prices didn't seem to be cheaper, think it was a large turn out of customers-- some cuckoo maran eggs went outrageous high, but other stuff was getting pulled for not bringing what buyers wanted. No one wanted baby pekin-- and seller only wanted $3 each. Rabbits were still going high--- Bill you should have brought yours. Auction was done about 11-- wasn't many birds, but as always lots of junk was there. Some of the prices the junk brings makes me shake my head in disbelief. But it is why people keep bringing the junk, lots of it sales for higher prices than the birds-- especially decorative chicken stuff.
According the the hourly weather outlook we have until 8pm until the winter weather arrives--- fingers crossed for a snow day.
Cowboy looks like you have a good start to a pen.
P&B I need to bring a hen to visit you--- she is as loud as a roo. She carries on when any bird sits in her box & when any bird or person looks at her if she is sitting or roosting. Promise I hear her more than I hear any of my Roos! I know most hens are quiet-- with the exception of guinea hens!!!
Jan-- I can't imagine how a chicken can be more of a nuisance than a yappy dog -- yes birds can fly- and may go over fences, but dogs & cats go over fences. Are you allowed to have parrots on OKC?? Lots of people have outdoor aviaries for their parrots. Get moderns, polish & or silkies-- pretend they are an exotic bird-- we will keep your secret safe.
I am going to try to go back to sleep-- for some reason my body thinks it took a nap. 3 hours of sleep might cause me to get cranky latter this afternoon!

Congrates on winning a Fern. My sister a year old than me is named Fern, I can tell you from have n to put up with he antics growing up, Ferns arent all they are cracked up to be
Pen wasnt mine, I commented on it. banjojoe is doing the building.
Morning Okies!

A skunk wandered into one of the live traps last night. When I let the cats out, two went to investigate and got a full-face greeting from the stink bomb. I couldn't catch the smaller of the two cats, but the larger is now in a squeeze cage in the tub, under the hair dryer. We had an unfriendly cat years and years ago, and bathing her was dangerous, even after she was declawed. The vet recommended a squeeze cage, so we got a cat washing cage and could then bathe her without any blood letting. I'm glad we kept the cage. I would have been torn to pieces by the stinky barn kitty when I washed her. She's nodding under the hair dryer right now. The other kitty is just going to have to deal with the stink if she's not going to let me wash her. I hope she doesn't get sick cleaning herself.

Sooner - Beekeeping classes are over. Now it's time to read, read, read. I want to learn as much as I can about bee psychology and hive management before my bees arrive.

P&B - I think you're absolutely right about the wax versus the plastic foundation. My foundation sheets are made from wax.

..... Looks like stinky kitty is now only mildly obnoxious smelling kitty. She can go back out, and I need to make sure the heated water dishes at the barn are working. Have a great day everyone.

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