***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I am open to adult, chicks or eggs...Hoping for some nice MF's and then anything else that happened to be a pet that I could love on...ha----I got a trio from Amy in SC, MF roo and nice type mottled hens carrying MF genes....but that's all I've got....so I am open to what ever you might have...think you could get me some eggs as well? Hoping for either great color or type on the MF...Tell me what all you've got or may have, let's see what we can work out.

Amy has very nice Mille Fleurs. Maybe we will have to do a swap. It is good to broaden the blood lines with out of state lines.
Our Buffs are really sweet, on the small side and a beautiful butterscotch. I'll plan to send some pics sometime this week. There- maybe I'll get it done now that I've put it in words.
Now I've got to go grade 120 papers, rather play with chickens and chat with chicken folks.
We got our first egg!
Unfortunately whoever laid it didn't do it in the coop. We have one frozen perfect egg. It was cracked down the side from freezing. They sleep (and poop) in the nesting boxes. Does anybody have any advice on how to discourage this? I assume if they sleep there they don't want to lay there. I think they do this to keep warm since the boxes are further from the door then the boxes. I already put some fake eggs in there and made sure it was well padded and comfy. Also we lost two chickens today to our dog. I cleaned the cage and I guess I didn't latch the cage all the way. We lost what I'm pretty sure was a Barred Rock and and a for sure Old English Game hen. Luckily the others got into the coop fast enough. The birds were dead before I could get out there and I was right by the door, and ran as fast as I could when I heard the alarm. It's discouraging, but we will keep plugging on. I will replace them soon. The broken top id from my 4 year old. It just had a small crack on the side.

Sorry your first egg was broken.
but the good thing is there will be more. Sorry about your losses to your dog, I lost 2 to my dog also, just see where the defaults in your security are and fix it so it can't happen again. It's been over a year since my last "Tucker" loss.
It will get better, I have no doubt if given the chance again he would do it again, but now as long as he is in his area and they are in their area he just ignores them, they can come right up to the fence line and he doesn't charge it or anything, I count that as progress.
I guess that would be OK if she would have laid on it to keep it warm LOL. This was just laying there randomly in the chicken yard. If it wasn't so cold I'm sure it would have been fine. She must have done it last night and I didn't notice, because I locked them in the coop like I do every night. I guess she was just surprised she laid it. I think I'll just keep the fake eggs in the nesting boxes and hope for the best.
Sounds good! I am getting eggs from Amy in another week as well! I'll look forward to the snaps. Maybe I can come for a visit....WOuld love to play with the buffs and if they like me, well, I'll have a hard time resisting. The ones from Amy have settled in and don't run when I walk up to the tractor...my first cochins--- and I can see these have sweet personalities and are just what I am hoping for. When I get some chicks, I'll be able to play with them and have some pets as well as color. One of the hens Amy sent if very nice in type and sweet natured as well...they are approaching a year, so that's when they start laying isn't it? They are the only chickens on the place right now and they could use a few friends! Ha...
Yes hubby is putting a latch on the gate that will automatically latch. I was carrying stuff and trying to get a 4 year old through the fence without letting the dogs in and I didn't double check the latch. Usually I triple check. I guess I am the lapse in security. It always seems like its the favorites that they get. If anybody lives in the Lawton area and has a Barred Rock or any kind of bantams for sale cheap let me know.
I guess that would be OK if she would have laid on it to keep it warm LOL. This was just laying there randomly in the chicken yard. If it wasn't so cold I'm sure it would have been fine. She must have done it last night and I didn't notice, because I locked them in the coop like I do every night. I guess she was just surprised she laid it. I think I'll just keep the fake eggs in the nesting boxes and hope for the best.

If they are sleeping and pooping in the nest boxes then make the height of the next boxes shorter. This way they cannot stand in them and there for will not poop in them. they only need a small hole to sit in and chickens are private. They like something small an cozy to lay their eggs.


this morning i drove my corner post for the scrach yards on the east side bild the corner braces and ran the gide wires

after a lunch break i streached wire for the pins inside and the scach yards i got 3 pins streached on the east side

and i pic from inside the house looking east

tomarow the weather is supost to change so i dout i will get much done after work

there is still a long way to go but you can start to see how it will all come togather i will be filling the inside of the house with wood chips 6 inches thic the pin doors will be auto close there will also be roll doun covers for the sides and scrach yards for bad weather i plan on instulling a mister and fans for hot sumer days
Hope everyone has a better day than i had , tossed out 73 eggs from the brooder that should have hatched, checked each one and only had 5 that did , not a good percentage, anyone else having trouble with this at this time.

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