***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I was successful in downsizing by about 25 chickens, 2 turkeys and a Muscovey drake this past weekend. I also moved 8 pullets to the laying pen. There are still about 15 bantam teenagers that are free ranging and need to be captured, but since they roost in a tree and on top of an adjoining pen, it is a challenge to catch them. My goal is to get down to a level where I am feeding less than 50 lbs feed per day. (See why I don't count how many birds I have?)
I was successful in downsizing by about 25 chickens, 2 turkeys and a Muscovey drake this past weekend. I also moved 8 pullets to the laying pen. There are still about 15 bantam teenagers that are free ranging and need to be captured, but since they roost in a tree and on top of an adjoining pen, it is a challenge to catch them. My goal is to get down to a level where I am feeding less than 50 lbs feed per day. (See why I don't count how many birds I have?)
I tried downsizing this weekend, took 6 roos out to Mary's swap for Micheal and came home with 11 banty cochins Jackson found on Craigslist

I just couldn't say no to that little face, lol.

Kass love the pictures!!! We have seen your babies grow up so much!
MJ awesome to hear you had good results with the meds!!
DH & Alexis butchered 6 drakes & 2 Roos. Alexis says ducks are easier than chickens since they have a larger cavity makes them easier to clean. Taron said if we have over 70 hens why did we only get 4 eggs today??? Once again was all brown eggs. I am sure the EE have a nest going somewhere else, they are the worst at laying in secret spots. Bailiff is always the one to find the nest for us.
Oh-- I was lucky to get 6 drakes done. Some of them were so nice when you let them they snuggle next to you like a cat & their feathers are so soft. They are so nice-- at least those were all arguments from Taron. We still have 3 silver appleyard, 2 runners & the pair of mandarins so I think one of those may have to become her new snugly favorite.
McG did you get your Roos done??
Robin forgot to say glad the chick is doing well. It's a cutie!

No, I didn't get 'em done yet. :(
The story of Tucker and Bambam, a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme ................. unrequited love. At least not requited at the same level. Bambam (the kitten) loves Tucker (the doxy) w/ all her heart and wants to spend every second of every day at his side cuddling, grooming or just hanging out, however Tucker likes her well enough, and will do those things IF there is nothing better to do and IF the mood hits him. This leaves Bambam looking very needy and dependant, not a good look for a cat, and Tucker in control, not a good thing for womankind of any species.
Cathie you took full size Roos & came home with bantams right? A bantam is only 1/2 a chicken remember??

P&B the secret to cut down on feed is buy the feed a ton at a time. Then you save many trips to the store & you feel like you are feeding less.
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I was successful in downsizing by about 25 chickens, 2 turkeys and a Muscovey drake this past weekend.  I also moved 8 pullets to the laying pen.  There are still about 15 bantam teenagers that are free ranging and need to be captured, but since they roost in a tree and on top of an adjoining pen, it is a challenge to catch them.  My goal is to get down to a level where I am feeding less than 50 lbs feed per day.  (See why I don't count how many birds I have?)

7 bags a week?? I am SO not going to complain about my birds eating 3 bags a week lol!
Kass, Ari is just beautiful! Joe has his "daddy" again by the way.
I was successful in downsizing by about 25 chickens, 2 turkeys and a Muscovey drake this past weekend. I also moved 8 pullets to the laying pen. There are still about 15 bantam teenagers that are free ranging and need to be captured, but since they roost in a tree and on top of an adjoining pen, it is a challenge to catch them. My goal is to get down to a level where I am feeding less than 50 lbs feed per day. (See why I don't count how many birds I have?)
I have found the only way to sucessfully downsize was to sell the pens too, that way there is no where to put more birds. It has worked well for me so far since we eliminated all the Large fowl, and four varieties of Oe bantam and all the bantam wyandottes I sold all the pens that went with the birds and have yet to build another for myself. That cut my feed by over 600lbs a week.
Cathie you took full size Roos & came home with bantams right? A bantam is only 1/2 a chicken remember??
P&B the secret to cut down on feed is buy the feed a ton at a time. Then you save many trips to the store & you feel like you are feeding less.
Haha so I took 6 roos and came home with 11 bantams so we downsized 1/2 a chicken!!!

I have to go buy feed today in my little car (sx4) so I will get the "stupid chicken lady" look. Plus I am going to ask about grains for fodder (I bought our first bags of grain in Luther and have to go to Shawnee feed store today) so I will get the "crazy chicken lady" look too. I can't wait! LOL

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