Okies in the BYC The Original

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Is anyone planning to go to the Jones auction this Saturday, the 22nd? (yes, I know it is the opening day of gun season for deer)

I just called and confirmed that they are still having the auctions the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month, beginning at 5:00, with checkin beginning at noon.

Is the Jones auction the only auction in the OKC region this Saturday?
what is the recommended dosage for Tylan injections? I have one turkey hen with a runny nose and eye. I have been rubbing VetRX on her head, beakand inside the slit in the top of her mouth. She is doing better, but I think an antibiotic would speed her recovery along.
dosing hens is 1/4 cc for banty size and 1/2 for standards. Don't know what it would be for turkey hen... maybe go by weight... figure a standard hen at 5-8 lbs... and go by that...

So I'm out changing water and hear screaming from overhead. 3 HUGE hawks are circling my run. Now I gotta worry about becoming a salad bar for hawks. I saw one yesterday... don't know where the other 2 came from... that should be fun.

Think I will try the water antibiotics and VetRX... see what transp[ires. Thanks for all the help fellow okies.
The VetRx is good for a lot of different "ailments." I buy it by the quart on line, and use it on skin problems of my other animals to cure scaley skin (mites?) and rub it on the nasal area of any animal caught sneezing.
Blanchard is on Saturday at 5:00pm last time the turn out was pretty good I help the owners out with checking birds in etc.

and there is always Maud on Thursday night but for animals Blanchard normally has a better selection.
HELPPPPP I AM GOING CRAZY HERE:he!!!! I have 10 full grown chickens 3 of which are roos , my hens have been losing feathers for a couple of months now, and it is driving me crazy.... is it because of these sex starved roos??? well they think they are anyway, they make me mad because it is like a dang train on one hen at a time, it may sound silly but it makes me mad and i knock them off and away from my hens when i am out there in the coop... do u all think it is from the roos the feather loss??? i cant figure any thing else being it... i feel so sorry for the girls i cant stand it... but on the other hand i love my roos i guess because im attached ive raised them all from babies... any help here??
frustrated mom.....
Question on those auctions...do folks bring good quality stuff...bantams and such? We have nothing out here...heck there aren't many of us that raise anything...most are hatchery stock...what are prices like?
I have seen some very good quality birds at times and I have seen birds I wouldn't take if they were giving them away. It just depends and you never know.
As for prices, it can be the same way. I have seen normal birds go for very high prices and better quality birds go cheap.
Typically but not always, prices are lower in the fall and winter and higher in the spring. Prices usually fall mid summer when it starts getting real hot.
I fixed the Jones auction info on the Oklahoma Auction Forum.
Thanks for letting me know.
I need to go to Jones to sell some stuff but Yes I will be in Eastern Oklahoma deer hunting.
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