Okies in the BYC The Original

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Yeah but they are MARANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am half Okie does that count hahahahaha my mom is a Okie from Bokoshe ...........an I only live 4 miles from the OK line inside AR........so does this mean I can play with all the Okies here hahahahahhaa
HA! Thanks Monty, I really needed a laugh.
Things have been pretty boring around here lately.

Thank you Grace, my Frizzles mail out tomrrow too, perfect timing.

I've still got cheeping eggs in the bator. There's only two due to hatch today (Wednesday) and they aren't even mine. Someone else snuck them in there...

I would love to sleep right now, but my face feels like it is going to explode. Does that count, Monty?

I am leaving in about an hour for Florida. Everyone take care of Oklahoma for me. If I can find a computer in Florida I'll check in.

Cammie I hope your face doesn't explode. I know what you are going through.

p.s. I may get to go to Bev Davis' and see her Marans. I'm giddy!
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I have a silly duck question.

We live on 5 acre with a 1/4 acre pond. When our ducklings get old enough can we turn them loose on the pond. We do have dogs that rome around and a Red Tail Hawk that stays around here. Can they fend for themselves?

If so, what age should we put them out there?
Grace, that is TOO funny!!!
Did the eggs ship? PM me what I owe you, and thanks again!

Monty, I know you won't get this, but enjoy Florida!

Okiechick, I hope all is well in your world soon, I miss you.

I would love to be in Florida right now... Actually, we are having wonderful weather right now, feels like spring. My face hasn't exploded yet. FINALLY got the medicine I need, starting to feel a little relief.

I would like to say WELCOME to all of our newcomers, and I appologize if I leave anyone out. I'm not so great at the multi-tasking lately.

Oh! Almost forgot, had one out of two eggs hatch today. Humidity is too high in the bator for the chick to dry (ya, no happy medium with my humidity), so its in with the duck. And that little duck is so sweet! He snuggled right up to that ugly wet chick like it was its momma.
I may become a duck lover yet.

The chick came from a Leghorn egg, either white or brown, and a Barred Rock rooster. But the chick is all black, even skin, except for white wing tips and bum. Should be interesting.
Okie16, I almost forgot, I know just the person you need to talk to! Her name is Marlys, she is with a duck rescue, and works with WildCare to release animals back into the wild. She helps find ponds for waterfowl to be rehomed. Here is her e-mail: [email protected]

I know some others on the board will have good advice as well, but there's my suggestion.
Cammie..so glad your feeling better......... and great news on the hatching

Welcome newcomers.I also have not been on as much lately.life will slow down soon I hope.....
Here is a pic of one of my babies......trying to figure out what the heck he/she is ! Looks like a mix from my Silver Spangled Hamburg and some feather footed hen I had.just do not know which one since the only bantam feather foot I had was a cochin(didnt think she was laying ) and some d'uccles............. and Emma lovin on them both today !

I think its too sweet myself.........this girl is fun fun.loves these babies....took them for their first "fieldtrip"

Yes that is the showgirl surprise I hatched....
How are you feeling county? it seems like forever since I have been here to chat with anyone !
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