One hen chasing the laying hen out of nest. Solutions anyone?


Feb 22, 2023
Out of 11, one starting laying a few days ago. She (Smoky) laid it between the feeder and waterer. I had wondered why. In observing yesterday, as soon as she goes in the nesting area, one of the other girls (Sprite) sees or hears her in there and runs like crazy to go chase her out. They are both RIB. Sprite seems ready to lay as well, as she squats the ground if you go to pet her which is the same thing Smoky did a few days before laying.
I don't know how to correct this behavior as I would like them to lay in the nesting boxes of course. I wondering if it will work itself out when the others start laying. Any comments or suggestions? The hen that is laying seems to be the one that is the lowest in the pecking order.
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What you see happening is normal pecking order. Chickens usually are able to work through the differences that arise from it.

It helps to have nests in more than just one spot so the lower ranking hen can move out of reach of a higher ranking bully.

If your coop is too small for this solution, then taking the bully away from the nest where another is attempting to lay can help. Just hold her in your lap for about ten minutes. It could help distract her away from the nest while the first layer gets herself settled in. It may even make her forget her obsession to evict the layer.
What you see happening is normal pecking order. Chickens usually are able to work through the differences that arise from it.

It helps to have nests in more than just one spot so the lower ranking hen can move out of reach of a higher ranking bully.

If your coop is too small for this solution, then taking the bully away from the nest where another is attempting to lay can help. Just hold her in your lap for about ten minutes. It could help distract her away from the nest while the first layer gets herself settled in. It may even make her forget her obsession to evict the layer.
Thank you for your reply. Yesterday I put Sprite in one of the runs away from smoky, but I guess smoky was not ready to do anything just then. She's trying to figure it all out. Right now they are all in the back yard accept for smoky, she's in the coop going from nest to nest and making a lot of cawwwing sounds. So sprite is out with the others. They can all get back in if they want but are enjoying a sand/sun bath out there and totally distracted from the goings on in the coop. Smoky chose to come in. Our coop is 6'x6' and 6' foot high. Even though they have two long roosting bars, they all try to be together on one bar. They are now getting to big to do that, so one or two take the other bar. Just saying this for you to get a feel for the space. They have 5 nesting boxes for 11 girls which should be plenty. But I totally agree with giving her space to get away from the more bossy hen. Even though they have the whole yard to roam in, they are all jammed in together in one place. I kept hearing how Wyandottes keep to them selves. Mine are different I guess cause if a few go in one direction they all run and flap to get to be back together.
It's perfectly okay to referee pecking order squabbles with a little "crowd control". Sometimes a little bit of a treat can help distract from a squabble, giving the victim cover to settle in.

Yes, five nests are completely sufficient. But expect one nest to be the favorite that everyone will fight over. It's how chickens roll.
It's perfectly okay to referee pecking order squabbles with a little "crowd control". Sometimes a little bit of a treat can help distract from a squabble, giving the victim cover to settle in.

Yes, five nests are completely sufficient. But expect one nest to be the favorite that everyone will fight over. It's how chickens roll.
Thank you, I appreciate your comments. Always good to have more thoughts on things. :)
First time layers - really do not have a clue what is going on. The advice is good above, but if you don't do anything, you will find a couple eggs in the wrong place, but eventually they will all figure it out.
First time layers - really do not have a clue what is going on. The advice is good above, but if you don't do anything, you will find a couple eggs in the wrong place, but eventually they will all figure it out.
That's how she acts, like no clue and loudly talking to me, help. I'm out with them quite often during the day, so I try and keep tract. She was just sitting on the first nest for awhile, but no egg yet today. I'm glad she wasn't hindered by the other hen. And I have 10 more to go! lol My favorite girl Mollie doesn't seem close yet. Shes a Wyandotte sweetie.

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