Oops, I did it again...

Pictures ?
This is the only one I have at the moment
, I will take better ones tonight, they just started getting the red recently.
This is the only one I have at the momentView attachment 2722425, I will take better ones tonight, they just started getting the red recently.
Cute!!! How old did you say they were? I look forward to seeing more pics. I got 5 “ameraucanas” from McMurray, but they might actually be EEs. I guess I’ll find out when they get a bit older. Good luck with introducing them to your older girls!

Here’s 4 of my “ameraucana” babies


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Cute!!! How old did you say they were? I look forward to seeing more pics. I got 5 “ameraucanas” from McMurray, but they might actually be EEs. I guess I’ll find out when they get a bit older. Good luck with introducing them to your older girls!

Here’s 4 of my “ameraucana” babies
They are almost 5 weeks, that picture is from over a week ago. They are quite a bit bigger now. Yours are adorable. I love the darker ones. I ordered mine from Mt. Healthy, I had wanted to be able to pick them out but thought ordering was better for a small flock.
They are almost 5 weeks, that picture is from over a week ago. They are quite a bit bigger now. Yours are adorable. I love the darker ones. I ordered mine from Mt. Healthy, I had wanted to be able to pick them out but thought ordering was better for a small flock.
Mine are only 1 1/2 weeks old, so they have to wait a bit before they can go outside. I like picking mine out to, yet both of the times I got chicks, I either ordered from a hatchery or wasn’t able to go get them. I can’t wait for mine to get a bit bigger so I can take them outside. :)
Love your flock, so sweet. I got easter eggers this time around and Im so fascinated by watching them develop, for awhile I thought all 3 were going to look the exact same. I hope the red feathers aren't an indicator of a rooster..yikes. :idunno I believe all 3 of mine at 5 weeks have started to develop some red in their feathers. I wanted to ask you how you went about integration. I have a flock of 1 year old hens right now and will introducing my babies in the next few weeks. They do go out now in the "playpen" as I call it and the big girls check them out. Im trying to figure out how I will get them together and then introduce them to the coop and run. I have 5 older girls and 7 new ones. Thank you!
I put my babies out in the playpen as soon as it was warm enough to do so, bringing them back to the indoor brooder at night. Once they were about 5 weeks old, I put them in the coop for the night and propped the door of the chick tractor open just enough so they could get in there, but not the big girls - that way they had a place to escape if they needed. I put food and water in there as well so there wouldn’t be competition over resources. Thankfully, my big girls are all pretty chill, and besides a rouge peck here and there, everyone has gotten along pretty harmoniously. I currently have a group of six older ladies, a group of four 13 week olds, and four 9 week olds together. My ten year old says they’re like West Side Story - they hang out in their age-segregated groups and rarely intermingle. 🤪
Another year, another new batch of chicks in the brooder! Since I last updated, I lost one of my old EEs to old age and my Asian SL to some sort of reproductive cancer. Since I lost two, of course, it meant I needed to get four more, right? I FINALLY had the willpower to withstand the lure to TSC chicks, and ordered a batch from The Chick Hatchery. Because I like a colorful egg carton, I chose Black Copper Marans and Creasted Cream Legbars, as dark brown and blue eggs are my desired colors as of late. This hatchery had a minimum order requirement of 3 per breed, so I bought 3 sexed chicks of each breed, and when I received my order, I had one extra of each. They’re a week old now, and thriving.










This is my first time ordering chicks through the mail and the experience has been a mixed bag so far. On one hand, they were packaged nicely for shipping by the hatchery, with a heat source and gel for hydration, and arrived in two days. None seemed weak or at all and they’ve been doing great. On the other hand, I’m concerned about the pullet status of my CCRs, which are supposed to be autosexing based on coloration and head spots. The two darkest chicks I got, Violet and Clementine, have head spots, and the two light colored ones, Ash and Indigo, do not. So, I guess I have to trust the hatchery for now and see how everyone feathers out. Since they gave me extras, which I know is standard for hatchery shipping, I hope they pulled them out of their pullet stock, too, and didn’t throw in unwanted cockerels. At least when I’m choosing my own chicks, I have some say in which ones come home with me. At any rate, some are bound to be female at least, and I’m looking forward to watching them grow and thrive!
Of course losing two meant AT LEAST four more, and it isn't your fault the hatchery insisted on you having more, including the "bonus" chicks!

I've never ordered through the mail; it's good to know all came through alive and well. I'm a sucker for the sweet little ones at the farm store. I've gone in too many times for feed and come out with chicks.

Your babies are beauties, and I hope there's more pullets than cockerels, although I strongly suspect they see tossing in a few extras as a way to reduce their supply of males.

Best wishes for a flock of new girls! They're very photogenic!
It’s a beautiful, warm day here in the Hudson Valley so my tired old chick tractor is being put to use so the new babies can enjoy the great outdoors. They’re 2 weeks old now, and the CCLBs are just starting to sprout their head tufts. I’ve had a few people offer to purchase my “extras” but I want to grow them out a bit first and keep my favorites. :D





A few of last year’s chicks, now all grown up:

Maniacal the Wyandotte and Sadie the EE - Sadie lays a light olive colored egg.

Chipmunk, an EE from my second batch of chicks last spring and Lavender the Silkie. I haven’t yet determined which eggs are Chipmunk’s. I had hoped Lavender would be a broody Silkie who could raise my chicks for me, but so far, no dice.

Tobu the Brahma is an absolute beast of a chicken.

Darling Blackjack lays a pink egg and still flies onto my shoulder whenever she can.

My favorite Fatty is the last remaining chicken from the first batch of chicks I raised in 2018. She was listed as a Marans at TSC and I really got lucky with her, she’s a great girl.
It’s a beautiful, warm day here in the Hudson Valley so my tired old chick tractor is being put to use so the new babies can enjoy the great outdoors. They’re 2 weeks old now, and the CCLBs are just starting to sprout their head tufts. I’ve had a few people offer to purchase my “extras” but I want to grow them out a bit first and keep my favorites. :D
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Beautiful chicks! I love both of those breeds! I actually have some CCL’s on the way from McMurray! Best of wishes with your babies!!!

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