Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Wow Cyn, you're like cat central! Finn sure has turned out to be a handsome guy:)

DH keeps saying that he's much better looking than all the cats they use in commercials, LOL. A lot of that was his later-in-life neutering that allowed him to develop that very rounded tomcat head that so many are missing. He is very balanced-looking, I think. And of course, he's such a sweet cat.
As for cat central, not so happy about that, but not much to do about it except get a dog. And DH is convinced that Finn will leave if we do. I say no way, not if we get a puppy he can teach manners to early on.
Finn has a thing for Tom's violin case (violin is inside). He loves it, sleeps beside it, on it (Dad says that is a no-no, big-time!). Caught adoring his lengthy pal.
Poor Finn. He brought a mouse up in front of the coops to play with before he ate it. Hector, my BR rooster, came trotting over with his girls and was giving the cat the side-eye. Then, he swooped in, grabbed the mouse, beat it and broke its back and gave it to his hens. Thief!
Finn is such a lucky kitty to have found you and Tom.
Glad he made it home safely too.

These two were wild as March hares and only 6 weeks old in July when we adopted them from our vet to become barn cats. Named Witch Hazel and Pomme Tom because of their wild temperaments and piebald markings they were too young to put in the barn and stayed in a huge cage in the carport at night.
Then they needed to heal after their neutering.
Then hubby said they couldn't go in to the barn until he trapped the skunk that was taking up residence in the barn.
Then it got too cold for them to be outside at now hubby is stuck with them in the house. But Tom and Hazel are crated at night in our bedroom because they play chase when ever they aren't sleeping.
I dread the day he really doesn't come home, or comes home very badly injured (worse than his legs shredded from a cat fight). Tom will be devastated. That cat will sit next to his keyboard or on his chest and butt his head to Tom's forehead. They are so bonded. I told Tom we need to get a German Shepherd puppy so Finn can train him and the dog will then take care of the cat!
We called the vet's office we started at 20 years ago and the first ones to see Finn when he wandered up here. We stopped going because their fees were skyrocketing and it was harder to get appointments, etc. They didn't have an appt until Oct 19 and if we wanted to come sit and wait and be squeezed in, they were going to charge an extra $90 over the regular visit and meds price. Not very appreciative of that. We made the appt, however we are going to look for other recommendations in this area. They have a couple of really great vets in that office, one who was my dogs' vet and was the first to see Finn, however it's not those two women who are the issue. That's why we quit going when all Finn needed were his regular shots. He may lose his vision anyway, but we have to try to get someone else on the case before we give up on trying to fix it. And it's not small decision because suddenly, we need a new roof, apparently, though it was replaced just ten years ago (shoddy work, didn't know what the heck they were doing-post-house fire, restoration company put their own inept contractor on the job and we had no choice). Great timing, eh?
Thank you for that. Your guy is so handsome and he has some good friends, looks like.
He is special ♡ nice having one who sticks around a bit more and takes actual interest in us lol... though I do wish it was free will and/or different circumstances. I have a feeling if his sight was up to snuff he would be very aloof and independent.
My good friends later in life sight imparred boy lived to 18! Very healthy and happy and great companion. She replaced him with 3 bottle fed rescues I raised. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ She went from a cool and calm boy to 3 playfully insane girls lol. Pretty sure she secretly hates me now 🤣😹😹😹
Hey, Scott! That Finn was getting so much hair on my chairs, I had to put cushions on them, but I didn't have enough so put one of his crocheted beds on the last one. He goes to that one every time now. We came up the steps yesterday when my husband said, "Did you hear kitty? I thought I heard a meow." So, he starts calling him. And we're looking over the railing, don't see him, when Tom says, "Here he is!" He was in the chair next to where we were standing, probably wondering why we were calling him. He was just saying hello as we came up onto the deck. Silly humans.

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