
I showed my son some silkie pictures, he loved them! I think we'll get a couple. :)

I really want egg layers. The more eggs, the better. My kids LOOOOVE eggs. One of the few foods they'll consistently eat. Too many breed choices. LOL.
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Hi everyone! My name is Christina and I just joined BYC. My family and I moved to Oregon 2 weeks ago and now my dreams have having a backyard flock are becoming a reality :)

I am mom to two. My son, Angelo, is 4 and is Autistic and my daughter, Athena, is 2. They are both just excited about getting our chickens as I am. My husband, well, he just thinks I'm chicken-crazy. LOL.
and to the Pacific NW!!!
Just so you know, once you start getting chickens you can't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in the Portland/Vancouver area and am relatively new to raising poultry. A friend had me chicken-sit for a few months and got me hooked. :)

So far we have Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, a few coturnix quail, and 4 midget white turkey poults. I have also been researching Muscovy ducks and would really like to get some of those.

We raise and show rabbits--satin, mini satin and Himalayan.

Our Brody's chicks are hatching! We knew it was time, so stayed soy of the coop to give her some space. We t in there about 4:30 yesterday afternoon to let some of Nelson's family gather eggs we'd saved in the nesting boxes all day waiting for them to arrive -- they are full grown adult males but LOVE to gather their own eggs, so cute! -- and heard peeping. We just HAD to look. Two already out, one more on its way. These are muts from our mixed flock of hens and five different kinds of rooster, but the one from the white egg is most likely full Brown Leghorn as we only have one kind of white layers so far and he is our top roo. The one from the green egg is a fluffy buff colored Easter Egger with ? as a father, maybe a buff Orpington -- it is exactly that color with a super fluffy face. Later the big brown egg hatched out a dark brown chick -- could be part Black Austrolorp, and there was at least one more chick by bedtime. Can't wait to see what morning brings!

We also need to make sure the little darlings are safe, the broody is comfortable, and their space is as clean as possible. Cuz, you know, we don't have anything else to do with our time! :D

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