Our Beloved Suede Is Gone: January 2007-September 2012

So sorry to hear about Suede. Some of them just grab ahold of our heartstrings and don't let go.
You gave him a wonderful life, so be happy in knowing that.
So sorry to hear of Suede's passing - I never met him but, he certainly captured my heart thru your wonderful stories about him., Zane and others. " good night, sweet prince". rip Suede
I appreciate all your condolences. Thank you so much!

Yes, my Sunny, the last remaining original hatchery hen, died the same night as Riley, at the age of 6 1/2 years old. Riley had been suffering from bouts of egg yolk peritonitis/internal laying so she died just prior to her 3rd hatchday. Suede's group came exactly one year after the original flock, with Suede, Meg, the Poufy Head Sisters (Kate, Tux and Olivia, all now gone to their final Rest), and Caroline and Miranda. Miranda died a few months back of what I believe to be cancer, basically a hen's old age ailment.

Caroline, for those who don't know, is the Buff Brahma in the video you see hanging out with my blue barred EE, Riley. Caroline and Miranda were hatchery Brahmas so Miss Caroline, who is my head hen in the main flock and over 5 1/2 herself now, has lived to a ripe old age for her genetics. She and Miranda used to be Suede's girls back with I still had Velvet and Skye.

I have a few who are the same age as Caroline and Meg; two Barred Rock hens, Becca and Amanda, were hatched about two months after Meg and Suede. They are still kicking butt and taking names in spite of arthritic joints. And my black Ameraucana pest, Gypsy, is about to turn 5 years old herself. She doesn't care who holds her, stranger or family member, as long as somebody does! Just as crazyhen, who was here to get birds from me and had to deal with Gypsy tugging at her pants leg the entire time, LOL. And there are a few who are over 4 years old as well, so most of my flock is getting up in years.

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