Outside pen area question


Jun 12, 2018
Seneca Falls, NY
So I have a pen area for my ducks and soon chickens to divide up. The total area is something like 65-75 feet long and it will be I think 35-45 foot deep. It backs up against a fence in the corner of my back yard.

there are two structures at the moment that are unmoving. One 9x8 house that needs a roof adjustment this year and another 8x8 house that needs a door and vents finished.

I am thinking about taking my bantam ducks and splitting them out to two breeding groups. Each would have a 12-15 foot outside section by the 35 foot deep section of pen to noodle and hang out in. Do you think this will be enough space for 7 bantam size Aztec ducks to hang out in daily. They will also be getting free range time everyday or very other day in nearly an acre fenced in yard.
10 square feet is recommended per duck. That is for the regular sized ducks. They always love more space, which yours will have.
I will have a regular size duck pen with 10 ducks in it. I just wanted to see what others thought of that size area for them I don’t want them to be miserable.

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