Over anxious chook mom

not new, and slightest deviation of normal I worry as they are masters of hiding illness or injury until it's to late to help sometimes if your not vigilant.

But there is a lot of great support here from the BYC flock.

Exactly, I realised our one bantam was I'll to late and she passed away within a matter of hours. :hit I'm still devastated, what a learning curve.
Really, that is best. It keeps the rest of the birds healthy. I think sometimes people have unrealistic guilt over the loss of a bird. Chickens are not real long lived animals, and I often think that this is not a good hobby for people that are highly sensitive. They wind up feeling guilty needlessly.

Did you keep your birds feed quality feed? Did they have clean water and bedding? Can they get outside into fresh air and have a place to exercise? If your answers to those questions are yes, then you have done enough. Everything living will die, that is a fact of life... and as my granddaughter says...."Well that is too bad, but now we can get chicks.

Mrs K
I have had times when I felt not cut out to raise chickens. This is part of the reason I haven't tried hatching my own. I don't suffer from anxiety, but felt like I could at times when it came to chick raising.

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