Parrot Chat

Set back with Nemo today... he is not using his left foot at all again, not sure why. He was almost weaned but isn't eating much today so back to more formula feeds.

He can still get around with his good leg and his beak, but he's having more difficulty in doing so. Hoping that it's just gotten sprained again or something. He had gotten to the point he could walk with only a bit of a limp with it and then today he doesnt move it.


The bad leg is a little stronger today he's eating some by himself but still back to two or three formula feeds a day.
I'm calling Rio 'she' for now, since I'd like it if she kept the pearling, lol. Here she is tucking into a bowl of mixed veggies today:


Look at that little messy face.


I put some in for Cricket too, but I think his owners probably never offered them to him because so far he has shown no interest :(
I'm calling Rio 'she' for now, since I'd like it if she kept the pearling, lol. Here she is tucking into a bowl of mixed veggies today:


Look at that little messy face.


I put some in for Cricket too, but I think his owners probably never offered them to him because so far he has shown no interest :(
Maybe "Rio" will be a good influence on cricket!
@Serin I sure hope Nemo's foot improves. S/he looks like a sweetheart.

What a gorgeous sun conure @Major_in_MS and I love the name.

@Pyxis your Rio looks like my Owl. Like you I'm hoping it's a girl but mine is only 6 weeks old. It's one of 8 I am hand rearing. I know a very good breeder and he had 2 hens hatch huge clutches (8 and 9 babies) so me taking a few eased the pressure on them, and they are pieds with too much grey for his aims, or colours he isn't pursuing. Then he had 2 nests where there were only 2 surviving chicks (first time parents) with huge age gaps so the littlest ones weren't getting fed enough, so we ended up with them too. I think we are going to be keeping 5 out of the 8! The kids have ones they love, as do I.

Here's my Owl who is feisty and sometimes crazy, but snuggly too:
Both his/her parents were split to pied so s/he has white streaks in his/her crest and a white spot under the chin.

And my littlest, Piglet (s/he loves his/her food). I've spent a lot of time cuddling this baby as its so much younger than the others who are all flying. I'm pretty sure this cutie will be staying.
It's a whiteface clear pied so it has no grey feathers at all, and dark eyes. The other rescue baby is the same and s/he is so beautiful. My DD has named this baby Ivory and I think s/he'll be staying too:
(My hand rearing formula has alfalfa in it so they are looking a little green round their beaks and down their fronts as I use a bent spoon which can be messy depending on the bird - some are tidier eaters than others)!
Well, Rio is sick :( Of course she hid it really well, since that's what birds do, but tonight she is all puffed up and lethargic. And of course I am out of Baytril, so I can't even get her started on that. We'll go to the vet tomorrow. But this makes me very nervous, since this is what happened with my last cockatiel, Shika, and he died at the vet's office while we were waiting to be seen.

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