Peachick with lice


In the Brooder
May 31, 2019
I've been raising peafowl for 2 years now, my first batch of peas just recently had their own clutches! I've hand raised my hens, so they allow me to check on their nests without too much fussing. I was checking the first (and we suspect the only) peachick from a clutch of 9 and I discovered the poor thing was covered in mites and lice from beak to tiny tail tip! It wasn't drinking so I've been tending to the little guy in a brooder. I did a very light dusting of diatomaceous earth on its feathers, which killed off all the mites. After a lot of TLC the little chick is stable and a bundle of jumping energy, but the lice are still a big problem. Any suggestions on a good treatment for such a young chick?

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