Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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Your focus is decent. The scene is pretty flat and hazy, looks like a grey morning.

The canopy frame makes it a little cluttered. I'm guessing cell phone shot? Do you use any processing tools like snapseed or ps elements? You can tune some of that haze out and sharpen it up a bit. And silly as this sounds, make sure your lens is clean and you aren't shooting through a thumb print. :p
Your focus is decent. The scene is pretty flat and hazy, looks like a grey morning.

The canopy frame makes it a little cluttered. I'm guessing cell phone shot? Do you use any processing tools like snapseed or ps elements? You can tune some of that haze out and sharpen it up a bit. And silly as this sounds, make sure your lens is clean and you aren't shooting through a thumb print. :p
It's actually another camera. Panasonic Lumix G7. I shot this through a glass door. Looking at the door, well... Yeah. Ick. I saw you were bored so I gave you something to do. Lemme dig up another photo.
Your focus is just a tiny little bit off here (like millimeters). Its sharpest at the bridge of the beak and lower comb. The eye should be the sharpest focal point. You can go with a little deeper depth of field to get the whole face in. A change ion aperture or focal length is probably all you need.

It's a little flat again, not a lot you can do with that because of the lighting. You can play with your b/w points and the highlight/shadow points to try and push a little texture into it but for a snapshot, that's a lot of work.

I might also square crop this and declutter the empty space on both sides.

A lot of the same suggestions as above. Your light today is killing you. And um. You have the least interesting end of the bird in this shot...
Clouds suck! They mess with your ability to really get detail in deep shadows because they make everything so flat. Having a strong black and stark light tones with no midtones doesn't help.

Maybe try to b/w convert it and see if you can play with the lighting a bit to get some texture and detail to pop. In color it may look funky because you're probably going to have to push it pretty hard.

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