Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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Nice shots. The biggest thing they could benefit from is paying attention to what the camera is focusing on. You always want to make sure the eye of the animal is in focus. If this was a cell phone, you can tap on the eye of the animal to make sure it focuses there. In #1, 3, 4, and 5 the eyes are not in focus.

#2 is in focus and #6 has the eye perfectly in focus. The two cows are my favorite but if the the second to last chicken one was in focus it would probably be my favorite.

Here's where the camera actually focused.....




It looks like the camera may have focused on the background in the cow pic but it's hard to tell. I would also crop off the right side to get rid of the ear at the edge...

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The head and eye are in the middle?
They are in the middle and that is not exactly ideal. So the head is not following rule of thirds composition. The body does somewhat follow the rule of thirds (upper right intersection). It's kind of a compromise, but I do think I could have moved him a little bit further to the left though, so the head is not right on the centerline of the image. Good observation :thumbsup

Overexposed, right?

Honestly, I would NEVER have noticed. Ever. That's an awesome shot.
That was my biggest issue with the image.

I overexposed the white head. This is also called blowing out the highlights. It's where the exposure is not correct and the whites are too bright. There should be a lot of feather detail in there but instead it's just solid white.


250A1692 (1).jpg

There are smaller ways it could have been improved too. He's actually facing slightly away from me instead of perpendicular or towards me. Luckily his head was turned back slightly towards me which made it work. The background could have been more uniform. In this pic the left side is blue and green and the right side is solid green. I was drifting from right to left in my boat. So if a took the image slightly sooner the background could have been all blue/green. If I took it slightly later the background would have been solid green. Also the light was coming from the right which is casting a shadow on the left front of his body. It would have been more ideal if the light was directly behind me.
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