Pics of my yearling mules

Thank you! They have been a fun experience, they are so full of personality. Although I am dreading Joker's gelding appointment which is coming up pretty quickly, I should have done it last year when he was a weanling, but I can't put it off any longer.
I know that everyone on this site is aware that chickens are addictive, but did you know that mules are as well. One of my sons bought a mule and now he has fourteen. I sure hope that I don't get "mulefever". Feeding chickens is costly enough.
How expensive are mules to raise or how difficult? I have read donkeys are not as expensive as horses. So I am just wondering how mules compare to horses? We want to be able to have two mules that we can ride.

Thanks, Wendy
We started out with chickens, then talked my dh into ducks. To me ducks are more addictive than the chickens :) I love to see them splash in the wading pool! But added goats last month has been a joy too :) So I would say most any animal can be a joy and addictive if you love animals :) (which everyone here must!)

I love to see a team of mules in harness and stuff. Beautiful. My friend just bought a mule as a stall partner to her Appalousa (sp), needless to say, her horse now has a foal and that mule would look at that colt with such love. Finally when the horse let the mule near the foal, it was like a built in baby sitter.
Either way, thanks for sharing and showing us pics. Hope you keep us posted on how they grow and how you train them!
My son has one pair that he drives and plows with. He has others that are gaited that they use for trail riding. Mules are much more sure footed and less easily spooked than horses. They will go further longer on less. They are much cheaper to feed. They will maintain their weight with less. No to say they aren't problem free. Mules have a reputation for being stubborn. It's not so much that as it is they won't allow themselves to be overworked. Like anything you buy you need to do your research, become educated and know your seller.
thank you - opa,

my husband wants two mules for the very reasons you mentioned. we want them for being able to get on and ride on trails. we just cant seem to find anyone here in central louisiana that has mules. you can find donkeys. we aren't quite ready to buy but we keep looking so we can learn about the seller for when we are ready. we did that with our goats we purchased in august. i did not want to just jump into goats, waited patiently and there they were within 10 miles of us

thanks again, wendy :)

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