
Never had a pig. If it’s going to be a pet they can get LARGE. many pet pigs get turned in to shelters because their not cute and small anymore. Find out WHAT kind of potbelly it is from what I understand there’s different varieties with different traits. Good luck to you!
The first step is to get a book. There are several available on potbellies. Look on amazon.
Read first!! Then if you still want to have a pig, get things set up before bringing one or two home. And line up a veterinarian who does pigs; it won't be a small animal vet!
Do you have any idea how 'pig poo' smells? Pigs are livestock, and might be illegal to have where you live. Find out first!
Pot belly pigs are fun and very very smart. A pig can learn any trick that dogs can do, including being house broke, or even litter train. But I agree with the others, find out which breed (I had a Vietnamese miniature potbelly. Average about 50-75 lbs.). Read up about them, or watch videos, (books are better), and enjoy them, but remember, they are pigs, and they are LOUD, :eek:, and kinda smelly (there are shampoos to help with that). Have Fun !!!:wee
Pot belly pigs are fun and very very smart. A pig can learn any trick that dogs can do, including being house broke, or even litter train. But I agree with the others, find out which breed (I had a Vietnamese miniature potbelly. Average about 50-75 lbs.). Read up about them, or watch videos, (books are better), and enjoy them, but remember, they are pigs, and they are LOUD, :eek:, and kinda smelly (there are shampoos to help with that). Have Fun !!!:wee
Sorry, that's supposed to be 150-175 !!!!
I like hogs (the big ones!) but will never have them here. They need different fencing, as in way more electric than I now have; different gates, another shelter, and their poo smells really really bad!
They are smart and interesting critters, who like to spend time digging and rooting in the landscape, demolishing as they go.
It's easy to spoil and overfeed 'pet pigs', a very bad thing.
Visit before you buy!

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