Please help me, i'm having an eggsistential crisis!

Quail are social creatures, and it's lonely. You're going to have to keep it company for the next 6 days until you can get it some friends. A small stuffed animal and a mirror might help.
Also, they run into walls, try to escape, and try to push through the corner as if she will get through. What does this mean?
Also, they run into walls, try to escape, and try to push through the corner as if she will get through. What does this mean?
This is a new chick, right? That's not uncommon. There are reasons quail hatchers are told to make those brooders as suicide proof as possible. They are curious and will get into everything, which means that they sometimes find very creative ways to die.
Just imagine the noises a dolphin would make and the quail makes it. Also, I can't do the recording.

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