Please say a prayer for hubby, Steve

Please say a prayer for my hubby, Steve. Sorry this is long, giving what has been going on. He has some kind of skin condition going on. It started on his feet, has spread up his body. He has gone to the clinic 3 times. Has been referred to a Dermatologist, but the soonest they can see him is the 19th.
First (middle of Oct) was said eczema, gave him a yeast infection medication and said to use Eucerin skin lotion. It got worse, feet cracked and bleeding, spreading up his legs, hiney, gentals, he went back and they prescribed the yeast medication again and a steroide cream. Pain so bad he hasn't been able to work since before Thanksgiving. Wednesday he was so bad, shaking and weak. I took him back to the clinic. I went in with him, so I could get answers. The way she was talking to him was appalling. Certainly got my hackles up and I spoke out. Hadn't done any blood work or skin scrape to find out what they were dealing with, just treating the symptoms. I went off. I said how in the hell can you prescribe any medications without finding out what the hell the problem is? He is not your lab rat. They ordered blood tests. That clinic is worthless, she wasn't even a doctor, a PA.
When we got home, I made calls and got him into a real doctor, this coming Thursday. Friday the clinic called. Said results were in, didn't tell him any of the results, said the PA wanted him to come in for a skin biopsy. He told them no, he has an appointment on Thursday with a doctor (who will be his primary care doctor).
He is on medical leave, won't get the temporary disability until he has been off for 14 work days. I had ordered some EmuaideMax (all natural oil cream). He put some on and it relieved the pain and itch. 36 hours after starting to use it, the skin started to look better. The redness (so deep red it almost looked black) is turning lighter, no new cracks or bleeding. Please say a healing prayer.Below is what his feet looked like Wednesday.
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Prayed for him.
Steve asked me how much feed the chickens had left. Told him at the place where we buy. Sent me to go get the bag of feed and any of the other things they will need. Got them a 25 pound bag of flock raiser crumble and more oyster shell grit. Had told him I was going to transition them back to flock raiser, so when we do get chicks we don't have to have different feeds.
When I got back and came inside. He said leave the feed inside the truck. I'll get it out. I said too late aleady in the greenhouse, just have to put it in the container. Not suppose to lift over 10 pounds. He just shook his head and said you are as bad as me.
Edit to add : And he says they are my Always checking on their feed, Grits and treats (NumNums)
@N F C He is doing so much better. Going in the right direction. He told work he'd be back Monday, but they said after doctor's appointments (Wednesday & Thursday next week) & get release notes. He is more than ready.
Blood pressure is under control with the meds. Went from high stage 2 to pre-hypertension, some stage 1 readings (mostly in the mornings before meds). The target is 120/80, past 2 days been 129/81 & 125/78.

Thank You for asking:hugs
@N F C He is doing so much better. Going in the right direction. He told work he'd be back Monday, but they said after doctor's appointments (Wednesday & Thursday next week) & get release notes. He is more than ready.
Blood pressure is under control with the meds. Went from high stage 2 to pre-hypertension, some stage 1 readings (mostly in the mornings before meds). The target is 120/80, past 2 days been 129/81 & 125/78.

Thank You for asking:hugs

Terrific glad things are looking better. :hugs

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UPDATE ON STEVE: Today was the Dermatologist Appointment. Said some looks like yeast infection, others do not, and some other condition with his scalp. No definite diagnosis. He did a couple skin scraps, but because of the steroid ointment didn't show yeast infection. So he is starting all over to figure out what is going on. He prescribed 3 meds, a lower steroid ointment (not to put on right calf or one butt cheek), a shampoo and a different yeast infection med (for 60 days, but first have to do blood test on kidneys if it was not done in the labs done these past 2 weeks, it is hard on the kidneys), another kidney test in a month. Goes back in 2 weeks, if it has not improved or has gotten worse he will do 2 biopsys on the untreated areas. He has released Steve to go back to work on Monday.
Tomorrow is the primary care doctor's appointment to see how his blood is doing with the blood pressure med and water pill. Also get blood test results. He had to go to the lab yesterday, doctor wanted a B12 test done, must have been something in the blood work up he didn't like. Have to get a Note from him saying Steve can go back to work.
Thank You for all the support.
Good to get an update @Twoleggedmotherhen wish there was something more definitive from the docs. Sounds like you both have been through the wringer...hang in there!
It certainly has been a roller coaster. I liked the Dermatologist, he looked at both of us when he explained it all. He even looked at the pictures I have of what it looked like before.
Financially it is going to be real tight, but animals have all they need for over a month. Steve's not liking the daytime temperature (I have it at 60 during the day and 70 at night). Save on that propane bill. Have plenty of eggs to eat...getting 19-22 eggs a week (with only 4 laying, 5th not laying still molting). We keep canned soups and mac & cheese stocked for emergencies.
It certainly has been a roller coaster. I liked the Dermatologist, he looked at both of us when he explained it all. He even looked at the pictures I have of what it looked like before.
Financially it is going to be real tight, but animals have all they need for over a month. Steve's not liking the daytime temperature (I have it at 60 during the day and 70 at night). Save on that propane bill. Have plenty of eggs to eat...getting 19-22 eggs a week (with only 4 laying, 5th not laying still molting). We keep canned soups and mac & cheese stocked for emergencies.

Sounds like you're doing the best possible under the circumstances. There was a pretty long period when my DH didn't have an outside income coming in, it was super tight for us. But we got really good at budgeting and I learned how to make bread, pizza doughs, etc. We were lucky in having a large garden that helped (not sure that's a possibility for you this time of year). When you have to watch the pennies, it's amazing how much 'extra' can be cut down on or eliminated altogether.

And really, it seems like it can be the hard times that bring couples together (even more than the good/easy times).

Keeping you both in my thoughts :hugs
I have made bread and cookies (for his lunches) for years. Oh we will be fine. I am good at budgeting. Living in our motorhome our expenses are low. At least the temperatures have been warmer than normal, so able to keep heater temp lower. Of course I am comfortable with 60, Steve is not. Sits in his chair with an afghan and a quilt all coveted up:lau.
Thank You for words of encouragement. :hugs

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