Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Vanna/Donovan, our splash Polish. She was the only chicken until yesterday and when I brought the other chicks (and 5 ducks) home and put them in brooders beside her she jumped up on the side of her brooder box from her perch to and watch for a while. The next thing I knew she was on the floor, walking between the other two brooder boxes and checking the other chicks and ducks out (the boxes are clear). I put her back in her box, and then I discovered that she can fly now, at least enough to fly out of her bo (I had removed the perch). I just left her to her on devices while I arranged the new babies and afterward I sat in my chair and watched the birds. I felt her at my feet, and next thing I knew she was in my lap, then crawled up my chest and onto my shoulder. She likes my long hair and is content to just sit with me. This morning when I same into the room, she did the same thing. She is quite attached to me now and me to her. I was sure she was a cockrel, but now not so much, hence I am calling her Vanna instead of Donovan, which may have to change back shortly again. Just my Polish story for today. :) She is approximately 4 weeks old now.
Awe that is so sweet. I wish my chickens did that
My Sultans have bigger personalities than my polish, very outgoing but not at all aggressive. Very nice birds. I got mine from Privitt. What hatchery did you order from, or are you getting from a breeder?
McMurray is where we got ours, we have 5 grown, 8 more in brooder and 5 more arriving in a couple of weeks, we need more females, ratio currently sucks(1:1, the poor girls are getting wore out)...And agree, once mature, the Sultans males became more "A" type, in our experience, still beautiful and smart, but honry too! The polish are all super mellow to us, even the rooster...We let them run the yard and he's the only rooster we have that won't try to fight every other rooster thru the fencing...
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I ️just need to say I am just loving my Polish chicks. I bought some eggs and hatched them just recently. the chicks I kept are now 4 weeks old and I have 13 more eggs in the incubator. I wish I could keep them all. But I cant. So my question is, if I choose some to keep to hatch my own eggs next year, should they all be the same colors or how should I choose the ones to breed?
We've been wing sexing the last 50 or 60 babies and we're well over 95% accurate so far...This is only sexing sultans, polish and silkies... We used this and it worked!


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