poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

I'm a bad "Mother Clucker!"
As of tonight... LEGAL!! Thanks to the Michigan Right to Farm Act! Even without it, I probably would have been able to get the ordinance in my Village changed- so if you aren't legal- DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!!!
outlaw for sure living in a residental zone in NJ. MY pet chickens called and wanted to know if I wanted to do an interview for dateline. I had to refuse for being found out.
I'm legal, but when i was i kid...i was a total outlaw.

My mom insisted on keeping a pet hen in our gated community. The neighbors thought it was great, THANK GOD! She would have run back to the country if she had to give up Brooke (our pet hen).
I am soooo illegal, limit is 2 I've got 14...big trouble I could get in, but I am too addicted to care! I've put up a 6 foot privacy fence to no one can see in, they only free range a couple at a time. Neighbors dont care...so far, we give them free eggs to buy them off.
I have 6 and not supposed to have any according to the ordinance. l'm looking to get more since we will be moving to our farm in the near future.

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