post pics of your rescue pets

I don't have photos of all the animals I've helped (too many computer crashes... I can recover it, minus any new photos, adds up over the years!)

Here is who I have that will stay with me. I'm a Shepherd person through and through, but I can't turn away other breeds if they need help. I just find them forever homes after the helping is done.

Logan, 1 1/2 years old. Rescued at 12 weeks, facial lacerations from TWO attacks from another dog on the property, fleas and worms so bad he was Anemic, and 4 days later, Parvo. Now he has a bad hip that emerged when he wasn't even a year old yet. He'll be my most expensive dog ever.

When he first came...




Ricca, believe it or not, is a rescue too from Germany. Fancy bloodline and all, she failed the temperament testing for Shutzhund, so the breeder sold her to a pet home. They had 6 people in a 2 bedroom house, so when the land lord found out, the dog and several humans had to go. Ricca bounced around 4 times in a week, until she ended up at my car insurance agent's mother's house. They brought her to me and I fell in LOVE with her, sour temperament and all. After training, she really isn't so bad.

Before photos must be on the external hardrive.... here's a now...


Leo, pound-bound and new his odds of getting adopted within 72 hours were NOT good, so I took him and found him a new home. I wish I could have taken the who litter, but we lived in Army housing at the time. He now has a job guarding day care kids with a stay at home mom. Sleeps under the baby crib at night!
(Ricca's job in all this is teaching puppies manners. Obviously Leo had her wrapped around his paw!)


Adult (took a LONG time to find him a home! I blame the Heeler more so than the lab part) with Pipsqueek, another rescue. Pipsqueek was intended to be a go-anywhere purse dog, and lived with a brutal little boy. He had a healed broken leg that was never set, owner didn't even know it. He limps to this day but has a great home with no children.


Tex, a Huskie who wasn't neutered that jumped out of a moving vehicle and suffered nerve damage to his front paw. Owners didn't want the "stud" anymore since he was a gimp. Fostered him for a couple of weeks until Huskie people took him. Tex was cool, just not a Huskie fan.


Bastian, another foster. His house got foreclosed on, and I kept him until the owners got back on their feet again. Never saw such a tearful reunion! Even the dog, cried like a baby as soon as the car pulled up. No wonder, he was awful and spoiled, and I was "mean" and adamant that he behaved during his stay.


I grew up on a dead end street that backed against a city park. Lot's of dogs got dropped off, and they ended up at our house or we caught them. One had chain imbedded into his neck and was tied to a parking lot pole. Don't have photos of those 17 dogs for a period of... 10 years.

On to cats. I hate cats, for the record. But I won't leave them to die.

Ricca found this while we were hiking under a bridge overpass. Coccidia and all manner of ailments. Patched it up, spent a load of cash on it, and sent it on with an adoption fee to cover 1/4 of the rescue cost to a computer nerd that wanted a lap kitty. He adopted that kitten because I taught it to walk on a leash. It was that, or watch it ruin my blinds when I took the dogs out. LOL Kitten went on dog potty trips.


Flood victims from Nashville, found "floating" in cattail reeds clinging on as best they could. Only these two made it, the rest washed away. Finished bottle raising, found a home for the male, the female had to move with us, and then she found a home too.


Abbey, my vet pawned this one off on me. LOL She had been sitting in a cage for 3 weeks at the vet office. Born feral. She needed fostering in a real house to prepare her for a home. I promptly "lost" her in the first hour. Found her under the fridge the next day. Took many months to get her acclimated. She liked the dogs from day one though. I don't blame her. She moved with us and the remaining flood cat and found a home in the big city too.


Most all the rescues adapt really, really well. Logan and "his" kitty...

Madelyn--GREAT stories!
A tech at work has two rescues; an Am Staff, and a Boston? x. They always share a cage at work, and the Boston x likes to straddle the Am Staff much like your Leo. I'll see if I can get her to send me a photo of it.
I teach an animal kindness class at the school I work at and we are currently learning about puppy mills and the students are writing our lawmakers to ask for better laws here in Oregon. We are educating others about adopting from shelters and we are having a pet food/supply drive in December and will be donating it all to the Oregon Humane Society during winter break.
Oh those photos are so lovely!

What kind of camera do you have?

I love those pics! love ep th Are you a professional photographer? thumbsup


I dabble, not a professional. I'm a professional water color artist, actually. Here's my website: . I haven't updated that in a while, no chicken paintings yet!

The camera is a Canon Rebel, a low-end (but still awesome, I recommend it) DSLR.​

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