post pics of your rescue pets

Ha, not done yet!

Bug, our unwanted Boston Terrier has been with us for 13 years. He's blind with Glaucoma, but STILL the boss!

3 starving mini horses from the Humane Society, on the far side, are Fred (sorrel), Boo (white), & T-Bone (dunn dwarf), & this side is Goliath,. He was being kept in an 8'x8' stall in the corner of a huge barn, in the dark. No windows, no light!

We have also rescued a newborn Longhorn heiffer, 2 Emu, & 3 Cockatiels, & numerous chickens.
They love it here at
Here's ours!!

Mika: She was a stray in our area that showed up at our property one day (5 years ago). She was only 6 mos old.

Mika and Jade: Jade was born to a stray cat in the area. A nearby family was nice enough to let the mama stay on their property (not shoo her and her babies off). Once the kittens were clearly weaned and on their own pretty often, we decided to bring one home.

Kenzie: She was at a high-kill shelter when I found her on When I called, a rescue had just picked her up. I drove ~3.5 hrs away to pick her that weekend. She is about 10 or 11 yrs old now (she was ~3 or 4 yrs old when we adopted her).

Our most recent addition. He is such a sweetheart.
We got him a week and a half ago. He was living on the street and needed some weight put on. He was doing good for a few days until he started showing signs of roundworms (vomiting them up
) and parvo. He has been on sub-Q fluids at home (Vet treatment, but said they see better recovery if they can be treated at home.with the same treatment as if they were in the Vet ICU). He's recovering well, but has lost 7+ lbs since that pic. He is only 15 weeks old and was 28.5 lbs the day of this picture. Once he is all treated with parvo, he will be dewormed, then vaccinated, mocrochipped and neutered.


Oh...the black and white one is Casey. She is a pit bull/Australian shepherd mix that we got from a family who had two purebreds that weren't separated to well. She'll be 10 yrs old in March. Not a rescue per se, but a wonderful dog!
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This is Alice. She is a mix beagle.
We adopted her from animal shelter in 2004 only one day before she was supposed to be put to sleep.. She was about 1 year old or more. I don't know anything about her past but we believe she was badly beaten before. Her tail was broken in two places and the bone healed like that. She was very shy and scared. After we brought her home, in the first three or four months we couldn't make any sudden movements around her, because she would jump, yapping scared, and then crawled in a ball, shaking and peeing on her self. We had to move very slow to pick her up, talk and pet her. It took her a while to learn that she was safe with us.
Now she is a ball of energy and happiness.







and here's Alice guarding the chickens

Let's see, over the past year and a half (since we purchased our first home), we have rescued a number of animals mostly off craigslist. While they weren't neccessarily in a bad situation, we did keep them from going to a shelter. It started with our daughters' first guinea pig (who we tragically lost to heatstroke last summer in an unfortunate accident), then I found two male rabbits one of which went to my BFF's daughter the other I kept (not sure what the people who had him did to him but he is very skittish around people even though he loves being scratched around his ears and eyes), followed by a beautiful female rabbit who is super sweet just not a lapbunny, the last rescue off craigslist was a chinchilla that we had only for about 3 weeks before he passed mysteriously (not sure what caused it but considering where I got him, it's possible someone passed off a sick animal). After that tragedy I stopped looking for a while. Right before Christmas DH asked me if we were going to get a kitten for the family as the animal shelters in our area were running specials due to being full. Came home with these two babies despite only intending to get one.

Meet Leeloo Dallas Multipass (Leeloo for short) That's my 8yo who actually fell asleep on the kitty's blanket which then of course prompted her to snuggle up with her girl.

and Korben Dallas (Korben)
I will start with the ones that got to stay.
Bastet who was dropped off starving and pregnant. Since I got her she has gained 2.5#.

Orion found at a tracor pull sickly and skinny. He sat through 5 hrs of truck pulls with us before coming home.

Bandit a Dwarf Hotot who was going to be beat with a shovel because he has 9 black hairs at the base of an ear.

Apollo found living with pigs and having been bitten up by them. Now being trained as a mability dog for my mother. (The black and white) Bailey who's owners couldn't keep her. She has found a new home.

Pauley who was found wandering Fort Wayne by animal control. He died defending his girls from a hawk. (Please ignore my ugly barn shirt)

Kiana came from a so called cattery where the living conditions were horrible. She suffered from an a hernia and chronic upper respiratory issues. RIP Kiki.

Zoey who was abused, starved and neglected. She came to me 26# under weight with aggression and neurological problems. She lived her last year a happy well fed baby. RIP baby.


Bubba and Cookie who only lived 5 months after their rescue off a balcony with no food or water in the middle of winter. Loki Cookie were rescued from being sent back to the "breeder" by the petstore. Once sent back they would have been killed. They went to new homes.

The ones who only stayed till their new homes were found.

Scout a 3yr RMH/ASB gelding. Trainer was riding him till his mouth was bloody and beat him with a whip. He went to a home with 6 loving children. He loves his job as a driving horse.

Tippy who was going to be dumped at 3wks old because the owner didn't want kittens. Now sleeps on a 7 yr olds bed and rules the new home.

Derby who now keeps an old man company.

Fatima who's owners didn't think a 2 week old needed milk.

Those are just the ones I have pictures of on my phone or computer. I have had more goats, dogs, ferrets and cats through here that I don't have pictures for. All of these guys have been in the last 6 yrs.
our newset.....we are "fostering" -or so DH tells me!! sadly someone cut off her ears, but I have never seen a dog so friendly and sweet. Lilly is a great dog!!
Here is Gaz, an eclectus that was siezed in police drug raid. She was one of three eclectus parrots siezed. She is a little feather plucked but not knowing what conditions she was in, stress can be hard on a bird. She still picks a little, but with the addition of tons of toys, and lots of love she is a very happy bird now!
I have two dogs that I consider rescue's.
This is Jack. He is a Lab-Newfoundland mix that was a return to the animal he wouldn't have lasted much longer. He was a year old when I got him and he was returned because he chewed....but what puppy doen't.

and this is Sparky....he was being rehomed by someone....we sort of think he was abused because he was very skinny and you couldn't get near him without him peeing on everything because he was so scared, when we first got him...
This is Chico he was in a home that used to throw him around shot him with bb guns he is a real sweetheart

This is buddy He was chased and abused but he is a great dog now He is my therapy dog He is watching the chickens in this picture he counts them when they are out if ones in the coop it drives him nuts until he find her.

Rosco we saved him from being put to sleep at 3 months old due to old owners having a baby he is 10 years old now
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Here is a papillon I fostered a couple of years back with the kid and our spoiled fat cat - he has a forever home now. Notice the cat's paw positioned subtly at the ready to whack the unsuspecting dog


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