Post your Duck names!

Daisy and Assquack

I let my girls name their ducks and pretty much figured Daisy was par for the course but Assquack!!?? Upon questioning the small child she informed me that is what "the big white duck on TV's name is". Uh no, that would be the Aflac duck!

Her duck proved to be one very loud, opinionated, stinker of a duck so the name Assquack stuck.

Only issue is when small kids visit our farm, we generally tell them that duck doesn't have a name...
Daisy and Assquack

I let my girls name their ducks and pretty much figured Daisy was par for the course but Assquack!!?? Upon questioning the small child she informed me that is what "the big white duck on TV's name is". Uh no, that would be the Aflac duck!

Her duck proved to be one very loud, opinionated, stinker of a duck so the name Assquack stuck.

Only issue is when small kids visit our farm, we generally tell them that duck doesn't have a name...
That is too funny! Assquack. hahahaha
Baby Daisy the pekin Fefe the male runner and Fo the female runner
the runners just got their baby feathers in and Fo has the baby quak/chirp while Fefe has the raspy squeak and his a lot bigger than Fo
My chocolate magpie indian runner drake is called Albert, my gorgeous white campbell duck is Mable, and we hatched a silver appleyard drake (large version) and a cayuga duck together, and they are Flip and Flop (they are inseparable!!)

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