Poultry show! Ends September 13th!

If you don't have time to enter this comp, then please enter in my other comp for adults too! It starts iwht step right up! You have a good half an hour form now to to enter this one though, judging is taking longer then I thought. No pressure! @Corbdee
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Here's Runt (yes, Runt)
She isn't a runt, she was just smaller than the others at the beginning.
She used to be super friendly and would fall asleep in our hand but now she run(t)s away from us. We are hoping to bribe her to like us with mealworms.
She is a female Easter Egger, born on the same day as Chippy (15 weeks and 4 days).
Category: 1
IMG_4806-removebg-preview (1).png

(above: runt photoshopped near Golden Gate Bridge)
(below: young(-er) runt)

(below: runt when she slept in our palms)
First I would like to wish everyone a great job!! I will post the winners of each data gory in separate posts. I did a lot of thinking and has encased the categories a little, so we have, All poultry hens only, Chicken tricks hens only, and I would have done 4H hens only but no hens entered that category, so I did roosters 4H, and a rooster category, of any roosters that entered All poultry. I separated the roots form hens because I thought it would be more fair, since roosters have prettier qualities! So here we go!

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