Pouter pigeon is lethargic with bright green foamy poop. What meds?


Oval Office Courier
10 Years
Oct 6, 2009
S.W Pennsylvania
My pouter male, whom I've had two weeks, has been lethargic since this morning, with his neck drawn torards hs shoulders & his eyes looking sleepy & dull.

Two days ago he had a play date with our serama cockerel (who's his best buddy), in a dog kennel on the deck and my daughter gave him finely chopped stems of some Chinese collards or kale.
He ate quite a bit, as the Serama likes to eat these regularly, and his (pigeon's) poo has been neon green ever since. Today it is foamy.

He did eat his breakfast of ground grower feed with added millet. Could this be something like coccidiosis? The deck was power washed two weeks ago. It's really clean.

If he has something, what might it be? what could I treat him with? I use Amprolium for my chickens.

The pigeon's adolescent mate didn't eat the stems, and she's fine. She didn't walk around with the Serama cockerel.

The Serama cockerel has been raised with a mate separate from any other birds. His health is great.
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I sure hope it's not! I'll watch the videos, and I read the thread. The poop (on the white linoleum) is really bright chlorophyll green, and it has stained the linoleum green. The female pigeon is making normal colour poop and is more acticve. I have cleaned their water dish every day and have bleached it every other day. I wonder if he can't digest the vegetable matter and the chlrophyl is just coming out the other end intact/ I hop.... will do more research, thanks Tipper.
I hope so as well. Something else it could be is Paratyphoid which is less violent and can be easily treated depending upon how severe it has it.
With Paratyphoid they loose their balance and are found tipping over when they try to walk and if you can get it off the ground when it lands they often fall forward, they stop moving all together and will poop themselves. They also stop drinking and eating. amoxicillin will work to cure this.



Check out the link I posted above to tell you all about it.
And view some of these videos to give you a visual idea of what it does.

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