Quail Diarrhea 5 Days- Help Please (poop pics included)


Oct 8, 2018
What can I do about my male coturnix’s diarrhea? It’s been going on for about five days now. I’m treating with Corid in case it’s coccidiosis. He lives alone, and he’s not acting very weird except not crowing and having no solid poop- what comes out is mostly whitish or yellowish. Here are some pictures- I used flash because the room is kinda dark. Coming out as mostly liquid, I think whitish yellowish with maybe a little brown. Food crumbles on the ground in the second pic.
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How is he doing?
He’s doing better! I took him to a vet and they did a fecal and found nothing. They put him on amoxicillin daily for 10 days plus tube feeding a special nutrition mix. Now he’s pooping normally finally, and he just started crowing again so he must be feeling better!

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