Quick Guide: What BYC thread/article was most helpful to you?

Nov 5, 2019
Hey there,
This is more or less a continuation of this thread.

I'm creating a "quick guide" to BYC threads and articles that can be easily organized by topic and used to find the information you need quickly. That way people can find concise and reliable information on common issues without having to wade through search results. Maybe this is kinda redundant because we do have lots of different tags and forums, but it would be a lot easier for me and hopefully, other people would find it useful too. It could be a good place to start research.

For example, an entry for Marek's disease:

Marek's disease - highly transmissible viral disease of poultry distinguished by nervous symptoms (ex: paralysis) and tumor formation
The Great Big Giant Marek's Disease FAQ

It would be great if you have an article or thread to share! Please do not link to outside forums. You can "approve" other people's comments by reacting with the "Like" button if you've read their article or thread and found it accurate and useful, that way all the links can be vetted. I'd love your ideas, suggestions, and corrections.

Thanks so much!

@casportpony @oldhenlikesdogs @PippinTheChicken @Sally PB
Last edited:
Pippin's easy guide to silkie sexing

Pippin's easy guide to silkie sexing

Hello there! When I hatched my own silkies, I studied and studied about how to sex them. I read that it was almost impossible to sex them, and that you had to wait for a crow or an egg. Raising and watching them helped me pick out certain traits that only belong to roosters or hens. These...
These articles aren't mine but are very useful
Common egg quality problems

Common egg quality problems

Approximately 2% of all chicken eggs have some defect, ranging from minor, barely noticeable faults to downright alarming deformities. So the chances are pretty good that most, if not all flock owners will at some stage find an irregular egg. This article is about the most common egg...

Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry

Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry

Preface If you need immediate instructions on how to assist a hatch, you may skip this section and go to the next one, where the instructions are. To start with, I want to address the fact that some people think assisting during a hatch is wrong. I respect the decision to not help during a...

Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

Dear esteemed colleagues, there is a well-known and documented phenomenon known as “Chicken Math” effecting our coops, though there is little academic research on this particular topic. Those afflicted with Chicken Math are known to confuse “actual head counts” with misstated and often...

What Happens When Chickens Molt?

What Happens When Chickens Molt?

Molting refers to the shedding of feathers. It is the natural process of losing and re-growing feathers. Most all birds do it including chickens. Molting is generally, not a pretty sight! In fact, it usually is hard to watch a chicken undergo a rough molt. Every chicken has about 8,500 feathers...

How To Raise Chickens

How To Raise Chickens

Raising Chickens 101 BYC (BackYardChickens) has TONS of fantastic information on all aspects of chicken keeping, combined with a wealth of experiences and knowledge shared by our community members. If your question isn't answered in our Learning Center Articles, we promise there is an answer...
I added yours, @PippinTheChicken and I'm working on adding yours, @Weeg.
Thanks so much!

Thanks, @3KillerBs!

Chicken Math - a chicken-keeping phenomenon used to justify getting more chickens
Chicken Math 101 - with Quiz!

Egg Quality
Common Egg Quality Problems
Getting Started - The chicken-keeping basics
How To Raise Chickens
Hatching and Incubating
Assisted Hatching - helping a chick that is struggling to hatch
Guide to Assisted Hatching For All Poultry
Marek's disease - highly transmissible viral disease of poultry distinguished by nervous symptoms (ex: paralysis) and tumor formation
The Great Big Giant Marek's Disease FAQ
Molting - Natural process of shedding and regrowing feathers
What Happens When Chickens Molt?
Sexing - method of separating male and female chicks and chickens
Pippin’s Easy Guide to Silkie Sexing
Hey there,
This is more or less a continuation of this thread.

I'm creating a "quick guide" to BYC threads and articles that can be easily organized by topic and used to find the information you need quickly. That way people can find concise and reliable information on common issues without having to wade through search results. Maybe this is kinda redundant because we do have lots of different tags and forums, but it would be a lot easier for me and hopefully, other people would find it useful too. It could be a good place to start research.

For example, an entry for Marek's disease:

Marek's disease - highly transmissible viral disease of poultry distinguished by nervous symptoms (ex: paralysis) and tumor formation
The Great Big Giant Marek's Disease FAQ

It would be great if you have an article or thread to share! Please do not link to outside forums. You can "approve" other people's comments by reacting with the "Like" button if you've read their article or thread and found it accurate and useful, that way all the links can be vetted. I'd love your ideas, suggestions, and corrections.

Thanks so much!

@casportpony @oldhenlikesdogs @PippinTheChicken @Sally PB
Probably one of the most helpful articles I’ve read. I still go back to it when need be.

Sexing Silkies
Thanks everyone! This is what I have so far...

Still working on organization (I typed it in a document and the formatting did not transfer, so I will work on that later):

BYC Quick Guide:
Alphabetical with subsections

Boredom - when chickens get bored, it can cause problems such as feather picking and egg eating
The Complete List of Boredom Busters for Poultry
Brooders - see raising chicks
Candling - see Hatching and Incubating
Chicken Math - a chicken-keeping phenomenon used to justify getting more chickens
Chicken Math 101 - with Quiz!
Cold Weather Poultry Keeping - See winter
Egg Quality
Common Egg Quality Problems
Egg Eating
See Boredom
Feather picking
See Boredom
Crop Feeding - feeding a sick bird
Crop Feeding
Fermented Chicken Feed
Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method
Free Range - see Free-Ranging/Foraging
Thread: Successful 100% forage diet experiment
Bee’s key points to successful and safe free ranging
Getting Started - The chicken-keeping basics
How To Raise Chickens

Hatching and Incubating
Candling - use of bright light to see the progression of an embryo in the egg
Candling Pics Progression Through Incubation of Chicken Eggs
Incubation - the process of hatching poultry eggs
Waterfowl Incubation Guide by @pete55 (useful for non-waterfowl too!)
Assisted Hatching - helping a chick that is struggling to hatch
Guide to Assisted Hatching For All Poultry

Heating - See Winter for adult birds or Raising Chicks for brooder heating ideas

Thread: Flushes for aiding in toxin removal

Transmissible Diseases
Marek's disease - highly transmissible viral disease of poultry distinguished by nervous symptoms (ex: paralysis) and tumor formation
The Great Big Giant Marek's Disease FAQ

Molting - Natural process of shedding and regrowing feathers
What Happens When Chickens Molt?

Raising Chicks
Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder

Sexing - method of separating male and female chicks and chickens
Pippin’s Easy Guide to Silkie Sexing
Sexing Silkies
Winter - Winterproofing & Heating, etc.
Thread: Winter is coming-Don’t turn on your heat lamps
Weather Proofing
Cold Weather Poultry Housing

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