Raccoon attack HELP!!! Photos



In the Brooder
Dec 14, 2017
portland oregon
Had a break in and my super chicken Ginger got seriously injured. She is a very strong hen so before you doubt her just know she is a survivor. I need to know if i should say goodbye or keep treating.
The sitch:
She has been treated for 5 days
With saline rinses, vetricyn, amoxicillin, aspirin, neosporin, and she eats food and drinks like normal

I feel confident about some of her injuries but there are a couple places im seriously thinking are going to be her end.

1. Neck injury. Skin was stripped and she has a giant flap exposing her trachea and past suturing and could create bacteria.

2. Side was also skinned and there is a flap.
Blue Kote might help keep the wounds sterile. The neck wound might do her in. You could dry packing it with a wet to dry bandage. Chickens are very hardy and can bounce back. If you can afford it maybe consult a vet. I’m so sorry that this happened. I hope she recovers :hugs
It appears you're following all the wound care protocols - daily cleansing and keeping them moist with an antibiotic ointment. The flaps are immaterial. They will eventually dry up, turn black, and fall off.

My main concern is with her eyes. That indicates a patient that is burdened heavily with pain and attempts to heal. You're wise to be considering ending it for her.

Don't rush into the decision. Give her a bit more time. You certainly may give her aspirin. The dose is one baby aspirin twice a day. But, if she doesn't perk up in another day and a half, say by evening tomorrow, euthanasia is the kindest thing.
Something like that happened to my barred rock last year with a possum attack. She didn't look really nearly as that bad but it looked like she had only half a body for some reason. Her and some of the others made it but the others didn't survive. She was missing all of the feathers on her back and had absoluletly no tail feathers and even her a lot of of her meat was missing. She recovered and now looks like she was never touched. She is a pretty decent egg-layer also. Hoping she turns out OK. Please keep us updated!

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