raising chickens in 110 F any tips?


8 Years
May 30, 2011
Danville, Arkansas
its not even july yet and we r already in 110F so im really scared for this summer god knows how much hotter its going to get anyone have tips on keeping my flock cool i have ducks and chickens and turkeys ive finally got a nice group and dont want them to die to this heat. right now im putting ice bottles in their waters, fans, wetting their dirt in the morning where they dig. we dont have any trees so i have tarps up to make shade. but i could always need more helpful tips
Was in my coop watching my girls thinking the same thing. I have a fan w mister, ice in an extra water feeder, frozen liter soda jugs of water and frozen watermelon out here. I also have a three sided coop and run with shade cloth on the side getting afternoon sun. They are still panting up a storm. My thermometer reads 99 in the coop. Sigh... I just ordered ten feet of mister set from Costco hoping that will do better than the mister fan alone.

Not to mention, my girls are all 22 weeks and I haven't an egg yet!
I'm fighting the same battle with mine. Ive been watering down the areas that I can several times a day. We ordered fans and misters but they STILL haven't arrived. I'm getting SO ****** at the company at this point. I am doing everything I can to keep my birds alive. I'm thinking of getting ac units and wrapping the coops with tarps and doing that. Its so hot the poor birds are laying stretched out on the ground looking so pathetic. I'm worried that I'm going to loose them.
i feel the same way i to freeze watermelons and take it out to them and they r so hot they take their time getting up to get it so i put it right in front of them if i lose alot i'll just sell the rest cuz i dont want to have to go threw this every year i love them to death but i dont want to see them suffering in this heat im hoping my ducks can pull threw cuz i have more ducks then chickens its so hot that their pools r already warm and i put 4 ice bottles in and fresh cold water
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All we can do is keep fresh water, wet the ground, give ice in the water, add misters, make sure they have shade, keep fans running, give cold fruit and pray.

I cannot stand to see them suffer either. I am also fighting the heat.

I keep telling myself that the settlers had chickens and they made it. Most of the time I hope.

Going out to wet the run again and give fresh water again. Then I am going to

Sams has shade cloth 6'x30' for 30 dollars. I made additional tarps for my gals. It is unfinished, but hey if we can make our own coops a tarp is easy.
I sandwiched it between 1x6's that I had handy and they are rather sturdy panels.
2. Freshwater every two hours
3. Water mister combined with a fan.
you can purchase it at Home Depot, looks like a snake in has two sprayer nozzle
point your fan in the water mist, towards your chicken flocks..
4. Ice. Any shallow plastic tray or baking tray which will hold water to freeze it.
I put a cold good size of watermelon on the top of the ice on the tray.
My chicks enjoyed picking on the cold watermelon which give them hydration as well.

I am in Colorado and we had set some new heat record. This guidance I have found on line.
This works: http://poultryone.com/articles/heat-html

My girls (3 PR and 2 RI) 18 weeks old teens. First eggs today (2) !
If you are in AK, that is MUCH different from CO. You may not want to mist them when the humidity is already 70-90% or worse, plus 90* or higher. They're breathing water as it is. Anyone out west who has never experienced southern humidity just has no idea what it's like.

I will not be wetting pens this year. Last year, we had the worst summer at our 2000 ft elevation we've ever had, months of high heat index, not what my birds had ever experienced-usually we'd get a couple of days close to 90, but that's all. I ended up with several older hens, plus my Delaware rooster, with bad fungal lung infections. That was the ONLY difference, the constant wetting of the pens to keep them cool. I'll put ice water in their pans and blow fans over them, but that's it.
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I am very new to chickens. I got my first few and still have them in the house. I was hoping to put them outside this weekend but the temps here in NC are going to be 103! Guess I'll be keeping them in a little longer.

My question is - how old should they be before they go out in the summer heat? My chicks are now 4 1/2 weeks old and are feathered out. The Barred Rock is HUGE and the Orphington isn't far behind. But, my Welsummer is about half their size. I'm planning on picking up a couple Black Australorps next week and want to be able to have this first set out in the coop before I get them. Will mid 90's be okay? My coop and run are always in the shade but it's still going to be hot! I dont' want to stress them too much but I can't keep them in the house all summer! LOL

Please help a newbie
2. Freshwater every two hours
3. Water mister combined with a fan.
       you can purchase it at Home Depot, looks like a snake in has two sprayer nozzle
        point your fan in the water mist, towards your chicken flocks..
4. Ice. Any shallow plastic tray or baking tray which will hold water to freeze it.
          I put a cold good size of watermelon on the top of the ice on the tray.
          My chicks enjoyed picking on the cold watermelon which give them hydration as well.

I am in Colorado and we had set some new heat record. [SIZE=11pt]This guidance[/SIZE] I have found on line.
This works: http://poultryone.com/articles/heat-html

My girls (3 PR and 2 RI) 18 weeks old teens. First eggs today (2) !


Thanks so much for the link

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