Raising ducklings 101!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 13, 2014
We just took in 2 Anconas and they are both about 2 weeks old and getting big fast! I have lots of questions as this is new to me.

How long do we keep the heat lamp on them?
Any suggestions on giving them a dry space? They are soaking the shavings with all of the water they splash from the waterer.

I'm cleaning their brooder every day now - is this normal? It is impossible to keep dry.

Their permanent housing won't be ready until July. I'm worried they are going to outgrow their space soon.

What kind of brooder are they in?
What is the temperature where you live?

If you just watch the ducks they will let you know if they are cold or hot. If they are huddling together when you turn the lamp off them they are cold... many people also just adjust the height to change the temperature.

I have heard of people using a frisbee of something under the waterer to create a second layer to keep a "wet zone" and keep the brooder dry.
Thank you both so much. I think I'm making progress with a cleaner brooder!

We are in massachusetts so it's between 60-80 degrees right now.

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