Requesting a peacock crossing sign

Or since they always free range you could just say: Peafowl? Not sure who they belong to. They just showed up one day.
I need a sign that says peafowl and guineas on the road.
We just had our easment blacktoped and now the peas and guineas walk up and down the middle of the road, i only have one neighbor that uses our easment but he won't slow down for nothing, i am really suprised he has not hit one yet as he has run over 6 of our dogs in the last 7 years.
That's really bad. You need a speed bump.

no sound like animal need control ,with a fence. Sorry free range any around any road, its the owner fault when they get hit by a car. Reason most states have fence laws.

Sorry I saw a bad wreak because my neighbor dogs run loose, guy was almost killed...he ran off the road rather than hit the dog.

So IMO if your animal is crossing a road alot ,time to fence them in......before someone gets killed.......
Zazouse in your case , my guess he is hitting your dogs on purpose. Think it great to be able to free range, just beware if you have a busy road, you are looking for a lawsuit, if they cause a wreak.

Don't want to upset peoples feelings , just be carefull.
In my case it is not a busy road by any means and yes he will run them down,we have seen where he ran off the road and hit them, the last one was my daughters dog,she lives on the other side of the easment she was calling her aby dog and he was already on her side of the easment and she saw him swerve to hit the little weiner dog , all h... broke loose, see we own this easment as in it is part of our land, he can't do anything to it W/O our permission he only has a right to come and go on it.

We had it blacktoped so he could no longer run off the road to hit any animal unless he slows way down as it now has a nice shoulder.

Can't say a much good about this fella,sept he didn't turn out to be such a nice fella after we let him have the easments and that ment utility easments as well , it's messed up but at least it's the only one like that around here.
His new wife seems like a nice person, but guess i will never really know he seemed nice too once.
I got mad at a boy last year because he said he would drive by a house that had chickens and if the chickens were in the road he would speed up and hit them.
I don't care if I see my least favorite animal there in the road just standing there I am not going to run it over. That is like trying to run over a person on purpose.
We have a neighbor that keeps pointing out liability of peafowl getting hit in the road and possible lawsuits. I guess no one is worrying about it at this point because there have been peafowl in this neighborhood for years. One person will drop the ball on raising them but then another picks up on it. Presently we have 3 close enough to each other that once in a while the peas visit between locations. Having peafowl free ranging is so much more enjoyable then them being penned. I have some of both. Actually to many now but they are pets and this is their home. I have a really hard time thinking about sending them away from their flock family to a strange place. Would only consider sending a few together with the assurance they will stay together to a really nice safe property. Am I nuts?
Who is the breeder/what is the farm called/do you have pics?

You know... I don't know! I live down the street from them and have now clue, how bad is that? It's in martinez Ga and from what I understand has been here for a very long time. I'll have to see if I could get a pic.... they are out by the road a lot although I haven't seen the white one in a little while, but that doesn't mean anything. I'll see if I can find out the name of it or see if I can get a picture. My friend is her neighbor and would have more info maybe. Her daughter (who is also my chicken sitter) takes care of them for her if she ever leaves town.

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