Rescued baby bird, UPDATE!

The little bird could only manage limited flight last night, but he must have been just stunned.
I put Kitty in the house this morning and returned him to the general location of where she found him.
He flew away home!
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Not to scare you, but if your cat had this bird.. I am not certain that it will live. Cats have a bacteria in their mouth/claws that is toxic to birds and will usually kill them in a matter of days without antibiotics, and even then it's iffy.

Depending on how old this guy is, you may need to handfeed him. Has he/she gaped for you? Have you seen him drink on his own?

Everyone is right - the scent thing is a myth.

My fiance and I have a Starling we raised from 3 days old - he is fully imprinted so there is no releasing him. The only types of wild birds that you can legally raise and own are Starlings & sparrows, from what I understand.

EDIT: Just saw your post up there about him flying off! That's great.
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