Ribh's D'Coopage

Hurry and Cillin.
Meg :hugs I'm so happy you decided to join in. Your chick is totally adorable!

I love my little feather dusters but frizzles don't regulate their body temp as well as other chickens. We've been quite torrential & I've had to bring them in & dry them off. They get sodden. Much wetter than any of my other girls.

The jury is still out on the Vorwerks. They're not my choice & I'm not real sure about them yet. They seem sweet enough but their daftness is scary. When I opened the gate this morning all the girls charged out except the Vorwerks. They sat on their stump & watched the charge disdainfully. As soon as they had the pen to themselves they took off crashing into the wire all over the place, & doing some really dangerous stunts. Mad. You'd never believe it watching them with the rest where they are quiet, calm & restrained.
Thank you, Ribh :hugs

I fear those gals wouldn't care for the snow much, then. They are so darn cute. Do you get startled when Olivia takes a flying flapping leap at you?? Maybe she's more graceful than I imagine her to be? :lau

That reminds me. My husband and I were standing out by our bar the other night and Bear Kitty (lovely, friendly male barn kitty) jumped straight at my husbands chest and latched onto his coat. My husband went ridgid, but did not react like I may have! We both cracked up. I'm so glad he didn't accidently back hand him!

Those Vorwerks do sound a bit mad. Hopefully, they'll calm down after a while.
Hi Meg! So adorable! Looking forward to seeing more! :love
Hey, Rene! :frow A day late and a dollar short :oops:

I did get a good picture of the (now) 2 babes she has. Another was half zipped and I could hear one cheeping in the shell. We'll see what she has when I get home!

She's looking a bit pale/anemic to me. Need to do a bug check :hmm She's out everyday dust bathing, though...
Thank you, Ribh :hugs

I fear those gals wouldn't care for the snow much, then. They are so darn cute. Do you get startled when Olivia takes a flying flapping leap at you?? Maybe she's more graceful than I imagine her to be? :lau

That reminds me. My husband and I were standing out by our bar the other night and Bear Kitty (lovely, friendly male barn kitty) jumped straight at my husbands chest and latched onto his coat. My husband went ridgid, but did not react like I may have! We both cracked up. I'm so glad he didn't accidently back hand him!

Those Vorwerks do sound a bit mad. Hopefully, they'll calm down after a while.
lol No. Olivia is tiny. I usually get a lot of warning as she paces, judging the distance before she launches. 😂 She's not the least graceful but doesn't care so long as she achieves her goal.

We have a bush house [a type of green house] my hubby grows air plants in. One of our boys likes to sleep in the sun on the rafters & unexpectedly launches for a cuddle when the man arrives. In winter the man has a jacket on but summer can be bloody. :lau

I'm hopeful with the Vorwerks. They seem really nice birds in most ways.

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