Ribh's D'Coopage

Hey, Rene! :frow A day late and a dollar short :oops:

I did get a good picture of the (now) 2 babes she has. Another was half zipped and I could hear one cheeping in the shell. We'll see what she has when I get home!
View attachment 2605861
She's looking a bit pale/anemic to me. Need to do a bug check :hmm She's out everyday dust bathing, though...
What a great picture. Those chicks are adorable! 🥰
lol No. Olivia is tiny. I usually get a lot of warning as she paces, judging the distance before she launches. 😂 She's not the least graceful but doesn't care so long as she achieves her goal.

We have a bush house [a type of green house] my hubby grows air plants in. One of our boys likes to sleep in the sun on the rafters & unexpectedly launches for a cuddle when the man arrives. In winter the man has a jacket on but summer can be bloody. :lau

I'm hopeful with the Vorwerks. They seem really nice birds in most ways.
The warning sure helps :lol:

Oh, no! Yikes. Cat claws are so sharp. I'm hoping it's the smaller of the two? I think I'm remembering your picture right... Smaller gray one and a big fluffy one?
What a great picture. Those chicks are adorable! 🥰
You gotta love when you get the timing right!
The 1st really nice day we've had in ages. The girls started going ballistic as soon as they got up this morning. They made such a racket I went out to check on them but they were just happy to see the sun & saying so! LOUDLY.
View attachment 2605716
That view is something else! Jungle paradise :love Is that the ocean?

lol No. Olivia is tiny. I usually get a lot of warning as she paces, judging the distance before she launches. 😂 She's not the least graceful but doesn't care so long as she achieves her goal.

We have a bush house [a type of green house] my hubby grows air plants in. One of our boys likes to sleep in the sun on the rafters & unexpectedly launches for a cuddle when the man arrives. In winter the man has a jacket on but summer can be bloody. :lau

I'm hopeful with the Vorwerks. They seem really nice birds in most ways.
Meant to ask on the last post - What is an air plant?
Meant to ask on the last post - What is an air plant?
Any plant that does not require soil to grow in. Staghorns & elkhorns, some orchids & Tillandsia, like old man's beard. I think a lot of them look like morbid growths but I like the stags & elks.​
That view is something else! Jungle paradise :love Is that the ocean?
Sort of.​
It's a bit hard to tell from the photo but we are on the western side of a horseshoe shaped bay facing east. The yellow arrow shows where our island ends.

Behind it, the green arrow, is another, larger island. A narrow channel runs between the 2 islands. If you could see north you would see open water. The Pacific Ocean is on the other side of the large island.
20210409_061129 (2)_LI.jpg
Hey, Rene! :frow A day late and a dollar short :oops:

I did get a good picture of the (now) 2 babes she has. Another was half zipped and I could hear one cheeping in the shell. We'll see what she has when I get home!
View attachment 2605861
She's looking a bit pale/anemic to me. Need to do a bug check :hmm She's out everyday dust bathing, though...
I love that photo!
The 1st really nice day we've had in ages. The girls started going ballistic as soon as they got up this morning. They made such a racket I went out to check on them but they were just happy to see the sun & saying so! LOUDLY.
View attachment 2605716
I love your views ❤

Hey, Rene! :frow A day late and a dollar short :oops:

I did get a good picture of the (now) 2 babes she has. Another was half zipped and I could hear one cheeping in the shell. We'll see what she has when I get home!
View attachment 2605861
She's looking a bit pale/anemic to me. Need to do a bug check :hmm She's out everyday dust bathing, though...
Oh my gosh, how adorable ❤
It's not great. No one likes being squished into narrow seats, shoulder to shoulder with strangers.

I once had the misfortune to sit between two sisters on a long flight. One was sick into the sick bag over and over and the other sneezed on my dinner tray instead of leaning away and sneezing towards the window, or into her elbow or hand or, hey, a tissue or hanky!

It was the worst flight ever.

Worse than the time there was a sleeping drunk guy with the aisle seat and we had to climb over him if we needed to pee.

Before I knew how special hens are, I liked working in new places but disliked getting there. Nowadays I don't even get in the car and go camping overnight.
What a horrible experience...that would definitely turn me off of flying too!

Chicken Tax... 3 months old, enjoying a treat of a hosta!
Hosta Treat  6.7.2020.jpg
The 1st really nice day we've had in ages. The girls started going ballistic as soon as they got up this morning. They made such a racket I went out to check on them but they were just happy to see the sun & saying so! LOUDLY.
View attachment 2605716
Marvelous! 🥰

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