Rooster or Hen?

That is definitely a rooster with those hackle feathers and saddle feathers! Does he even crow yet?
He hasn't crowed yet. He is only 15 weeks old. That is the only reason why I am hesitating to call him a definite rooster.
It's been 16 weeks and this guy still hasn't started crowing. All of my other roosters have crowed. Some have even been crowing for over a month. Are you sure he's a rooster?'s the deal....if that Rooster (yes it's a rooster) starts laying eggs and never crows, please let us know and we will all watch a 2 hour long film on the anatomy of a rooster. He may be a late crower, he may be mute, he may have tried a few times and you haven't heard him yet.......but a hen he is not. If it turns out to be a hen, I'm gonna need a "come to Jesus meeting" with God. I love how I do this all the time. I'm showing my friends the new "older gals" and someone invariably will go "Oh, you have a rooster" and by the look on my face they ALL know I haven't even considered that I might have a rooster! Of course as they point out EVERY.SINGLE.SIGN.THAT.ITS.A.ROOSTER, I'm standing there trying to catch my breath and just going how in the world did I miss all that???? I know how......I WANTED HENS! :barnie:he

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