Rposter Attacks!

Sometimes its in a rooster to attack they cant help it.... I have a 4 month old cochin who attacks me every chance he gets. I just grab my broom and give him a little shove. I dont think kicking them will help any it makes them even meaner i would try anything but kicking seems kinda cruel just my opionion
I had a BA Roo who was a total psycopath...he would keep coming no matter what I swatted, sprayed or hit him with...he made delicious chicken and dumplings...I have two roos now, a Welsummer and a Columbain Wyandotte, who are perfect gentlemen and look after the girls very well...one eye on the ground looking for treats for them and one eye on the sky watching for hawks...I like my roos but wont let one who has a loose screw beat me up...
My roosters "rush" me is how I put it, but not in an aggressive way. Half the time I have cherry tomatoes with me and it's first come first serve sorta (though I usually have plenty).

I don't want to argue as I'm sure you felt threatened, but to me that seems just insane.
I can't imagine someone intelligent going to that length. While they may seem big, the feathers aren't armor. It's easy to hurt them. I can only imagine how the poor creature felt as it lay there dying.
I especially am appalled that you did this to SOMEONE ELSE'S animal. Next time if you are going near the roosters, just bring a cracker or bread or something and toss it in their path. They'll be more distracted/interested in the treat than you. Seriously, shame on you! No more kicking!
Self defense my A**, don't think he would have killed you. And not even your chicken. Get a new job missy!!! How old are you anyway?
I have a huge Roo and he is sweet as can be, but I also know that he is not a human therefore cannot reason. He and I have a mutual respect for one another and I know what he is capable of should the mood strike him. I never go out there that I dont have a backup plan which is a squirt bottle and a "just in case" treat. Should he ever decide to be aggressive, I will spray then treat, then attempt at re-homing him, as he is a good Roo with the hens. Im sad to think that someone would take it upon themselves to kill a Rooster without looking for resolve, and someone elses Roo, unthinkable. Were there any attempts on your part to notify his owner about his prior behavior? Its about a lot more than a Rooster who is ornery.
My RIR Roo hides behind the hens when I come in the run or coop
Now the one hen she attacks me but i just shove her with my foot gently and she settles down.
Self defense my A**, don't think he would have killed you. And not even your chicken. Get a new job missy!!! How old are you anyway?

It's never a good idea to kill your boss's small animals.
Are you still working there?

Or maybe you are just trying this story out on us.

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