Say it ain't so... Tell me I'm wrong and they aren't Roos!!!


11 Years
Apr 25, 2009
South Texas
Howdy folks.

I ordered 26 "pullets" from Welp hatchery. I only kept 9 of the 26. They will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. These are the two I suspect will be crowing before long. The problem is I have covert chickens, and the last thing I need is two roosters giving away my secret!! What's worse is that these two are my favorites
So please... say it ain't so...

Edit! -- The two I'm questioning are always puffing their necks out and strutting around each other in a display of dominance.

This is Hera (because she's (?) mean, but fearless). Her comb is getting a little too red for comfort. I'm also spotting some greenish hues in her tail feathers. I *think* she's an EE.


here's another


The other one I'm fairly certain is a roo... Named Tom Boy. I think he's a red star. Hera picked on him/her mercilessly for a while. I even had to add a second small feed/water container. They do fine now, but still puff up to each other every now and then.


And just for fun... here are a few of my other ones I'm 99% certain are girls.


Please let me know what you think about my two favorites!!
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ok, if this helps any.....i was told girls have one bump on the comb and boys 3. so that first would be a roo. NOW i don't know if it's true but i guessed mine from that info and it seems to be right~that's for EE's. But they are hard and IDK
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I would give anything to keep him... he's so sweet!! He's always the first one run to me... Even though I've suspected for weeks now, it's still a bummer to have my suspicions validated.
I love my roosters, so I understand your dilemma. The EE could go either way on sex. What the other member was talking about on the comb is that male EEs usually have wide, pea combs with the 3 rows of bumps showing, while pullets will have the center ridge prominent and will only get the other two ridges of "peas" later on, closer to laying age. Yours could go either way, really, just judging by the comb, but be prepared...
Yep, you see then. I looked closer at the pic of your black and white EE (darn eyes of mine) and I think I do see the other two rows of peas, though they are not as prominent as many of my Ameraucana boys' have been.

Here's a comparison. See the blue boy? He was about 7-8 weeks old here.

Here is a pullet, about 10 weeks old:

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