Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Here this might help you with whites to sex them with color. Males are always with lighter coloring even when the have grey on them it is all over but always light yellow. The females have a dark grey cap and saddle on the back. Now this is only for whites. Because when you have saddlebacks they both male and female have grey caps and saddles so it is harder to tell them when you have color in the background.

Now we have to remember not every gosling hatched will make it to adult hood. There can be birth defects we can not see. Usually smaller goslings tend to be ones we seem to lose. My gosling was not small it was a buff and 4 weeks of age when I found it dead on it's back. Now I do not know if this baby died from being on it's back and not being able to right itself while I was at dialysis. It was a fat little healthy baby eating and drinking like a little piggy. I do know it kept trying to jump out of the container. So it could have died that way or had a heart attack...

Some even make it to adults and still just drop dead on you. This is with all breeds of geese not just Sebastopol's....

Also stress on a female from laying eggs and not getting enough calcium replaced while she is laying eggs she can die from stress and lack of calcium. Making eggs takes the calcium from their bones and needs to be replaced or your female drops dead...

Hey, got my first Sebbies today. They were auto sexed at hatching as girls, but I know that's not always accurate. They are 4 months old and are sisters. Any ideas as to their gender?
I bought these two off Craigslist this last week , took them outside last night they had a blast eating clover and playing in the pool, one is a smooth breast and other is curly

What age do the goslings start to get the curly feathers? Mine is 7 weeks and she does not have any curls. I didn't know if they curl later or if she is smooth.
I used the good old needle on a thread to tell the sexes. Needle goes in a circle it is a girl, straight back and forth it is a boy. Just like they used to do with pregnant women.

It really works...tested it on the dogs and all of the rabbits :)

ps. here is a pic. of Bernie and April and the three goslings they raised.
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Here are 3 females I kept back to grow out. Gina the older grey saddleback and her two younger sister's.
All from my Beautiful white curly Samantha

And my grey gander Grant

The 3 girls are still growing and getting in their curly feather's so here they are.
First one is Gina grey saddleback she is the oldest female.

Here is Safria Grey curly female. You can see below that these two girls are younger that Gina because of the feathering is just now coming in. Feathering on all three will take up to 5 to 6 months old before the feathering is better. These babies are just about maybe 3 months old. The sister first is about several weeks older than these two.

Here is Georgia grey saddleback the grey above is her hatch sister.

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