Yeah. That “don’t turn shipped eggs for awhile” coinciding with the time when studies have shown eggs really need to be turned, seems so odd to me...
To my understanding, it's because of all the rattling around during shipment can damage tissues anchoring the air sack.On the extreme end, the air sack can become disconnected and move freely within the shell. Not turning them for a few days gives the eggs a chance to repair that damage - hence improving hatch rates for shipped eggs and why the recommendation is different for collected eggs.
When you say 'early lockdown' what do you mean? Day 17, counting from 0?

Right, today is 17. They went in on 8/25. Day 21 is Sunday 9/15.

I don’t usually lock down early unless I’m unable to do it on day 18 for some reason. I recently read that a slightly early lockdown, or stop of rotation rather, might be helpful to eggs with imperfect air cells. Who knows, but it likely won’t hurt them.
Right, today is 17. They went in on 8/25. Day 21 is Sunday 9/15. I recently read that a slightly early lockdown, or stop of rotation rather, might be helpful to eggs with imperfect air cells.
I see.. what about them losing weight? Have they lost enough? I am thinking of taking them off the turner at day 16 but increase the humidity at day 17 as they have not lost enough weight yet.
lockdown is set for this weekend....
next weeks eggs on top and the following weeks hatch on bottom.... love this bator
Hey guys, quick lockdown question... I have a very dedicated broody - should I still pull her off the nest for toileting or just leave her alone when we get to day 18? Sorry for the lack of pics but I haven't wanted to risk weather and candling and camera, but all four look alive so far.
I see.. what about them losing weight? Have they lost enough? I am thinking of taking them off the turner at day 16 but increase the humidity at day 17 as they have not lost enough weight yet.

I go by air cells, I don’t weigh. Some people don’t even candle with Serma, they feel that they are too fragile. The air cells are appropriately sized, except for one that is saddled. The eggs weren’t packed well for shipping, combined with flaky temps for over a week in the other incubator, I’m not hopeful. (But I’d like to be pleasantly surprised :D)

Good luck with your hatch.:fl I hope you have a very successful one.
@aliciaplus3 the plastic containers - are these for water? Also, isn't it a slippery floor?
@Rockporters I will do the same.. I will do a Lockdown on day 17 (counting from 0). That is tomorrow. I have not done it before, so let's see what the hatch rate will be.
Yes thsts the best way I have found to get the humidity up with my brinsea, the water wells in the bottom are not big enough for here in dry Colorado. The floor has a grid built in I usually use grippy shelf liner but I was out last night.... I hope to pick some up but the way my brain is no guarantees. I have hatched straight on the floor before and it works ok.... I prefer to have the liner down, but... lol

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